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Top 3 Things to Do on a Saturday Night

21 February 2009



What’s a fangurl all alone on a Saturday night gonna do? Well, I’m too, uh, mature to spend my free time making crank phone calls, so tonight I…

  1. Listened to “David Archuleta” over & over & over, at high volume, repeating songs as needed.
  2. Watched a few of David’s televised performances again.
  3. Chatted with fans in CDC’s lively, friendly, and well-moderated chatroom for more than two hours.

(Thanks, Katie, our moderator, AKA “bigarchiefan”.)

I recommend this list to all the David Archuleta fandom. Do them in any order you like, take them one at a time or all together, but whatever you do, don’t just sit there on a Saturday night! Mix it up and have some fun being a fan.

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1 response so far ↓

  • bigarchiefan | 1 | 27th February 2009 at 5:24 pm |

    Thanks minja,

    It was so much fan chatting with you at CDC. Had a great time with all the other wonderful David fans that hang out there. A lot like all the fans here! David brings so many great people together in so many places…yep, that’s the power of David Archuleta! 😉

    Take care,