Dear Honeybees:
I’ve been meaning to buzz back on over to the hive to join my fellow Honeybees for a very long while now. It’s not as though I’ve lost contact with you (what with my numerous emails and all!) it’s just that I miss the more intimate conversations we had when we were all abuzz over at H/N! This site is more sophisticated than what we endured there, so please bear with me as I learn the ropes!
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Katheryn, Welcome – Glad to have you here, I replied to your comment on my comment (And so it Goes) hope you get a chance to read it. Thanks Pam
Welcome, Katheryn!
Hi Katheryn, I’m also learning the ropes around here. Minna created a wonderful site for us to continue buzzing! ♥it!
Hey there, Katheryn! It’s nice to be buzzing together again! I hope that, eventually, more of the honeybees will find their way here to the new hive that Minja created!
We’ve got lots of David things to look forward to in this new year!