Women's Conference
As the world changes day by day so does the emotional and behavioral traits that characterize David Archuleta. A song is a short composition of words and music and to express one’s personality takes common sense and wisdom with a touch of innocence which describes David as we know him. He is an enigma, the diversity he entertains, twitters with the innocence of a teenager, speeches which explores wisdom with compassion and the common sense he shares about his career.
Inspired throughout his life by special circumstances and unique experiences he grew up with a family that injected him with unconditional love and enduring confidence. This is his foundation, the family holidays, the celebrations, and the supportive smiles in audiences. He’ll reflect on his journey, the challenges, the triumphs through song.
I yearn to watch and listen to him perform the songs he is writing. They will express his inner personality and his desire to connect with his fans. He is reaching out and stretching as an artist as well as a person. Has he reconciled as a man, no longer a boy? The time is coming near but I hope his transition is gradual as some of us need to catch up.
David has joyful gratitude, a cheerful spirit that never gets discouraged. Bearing fruit in every good work. The “fruit,” always and everywhere in Scriptures, is the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, and peace, in our relationships and actions with regard to others; concern, compassion, encouragement and help in a time of stress, bringing peace into troubled times.
People who know God are always exciting to be with, they lift your spirits when you meet them. Faces light up as they enter a room. They know God, and the excitement of that captivates and changes them. David moves and inspires us, we are bedazzled by him, his smile and his acts of kindness and generosity only reinforce why we love him.
Songs that reflect his personality, how lucky can we be to experience the changing of a boy into a man. God bless him!
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Tags: personality · Scripture · songs
Filed in: career|David Archuleta|music|opinions|performances|photos|voice
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3 responses so far ↓
Such a sweet post! I suppose it’s easy to write sweet buzz when it’s David you are thinking about but this post is very well put! Thank you for sharing. It will be very exciting to watch David make his changes as he grows closer to manhood… Yes! God Bless him.
“Sweet” was the same word I thought of too as I read your post, Pam. It beautifully describes how David’s vocal gift is infused with God’s love.
David’s first keynote address was wonderful. He has a natural way of connecting with an audience, in word or song, and transmits his love and tenderness. I admired several of the metaphors he used in his speech, especially the one about ‘the path’ we must take in life to reach our dreams.
David is sharing his walk with God with each and everyone he meets. He is such a blessing. You very eloquently put this into words…beautiful words. Thank you, Pam!