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David Archuleta And Jordin Sparks Sing “No Air”

3 February 2010



Today David Archuleta joined Jordin Sparks for a duet of her song, “No Air.” The two American Idol alums looked so cute in their football grease paint, which is supposed to reduce glare from sunlight. But no amount of eye grease can diminish the glow from this duo!

David Archuleta performed onstage with Jordin Sparks at the “X the TXT” event as part of the “Jordin Sparks Experience” at the Eden Roc Renaissance Hotel today, February 3, in Miami Beach, Florida.

Jordin has strong ties with the NFL through her charity contributions to the organization, so it is no surprise that she is on location gearing up for the big game this Sunday.

We love that David took the time to paint his lines under his eyes to get in the spirit of the football season!

All proceeds raised by Jordin’s events will benefit a number of charities including the Miami Childrens Hospital.

Tomorrow, February 4th, Jordin will deliver teddy bears to the hospital along with David Archuleta and one other celebrity guest!

via David Archuleta And Jordin Sparks Perform At The “X The TXT” Event | Disney Dreaming.

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David Archuleta – Jordin Sparks Experience in Florida – Pictures

3 February 2010



David Archuleta and Jordin Sparks in Florida.  Great first pictures just in!  Glad they were not on the sound stage that injured a few employees!  Hope to hear more about the incident and praying everyone will be fine!

Just the beginning of their Pro Bowl Charity Experience

photo Jordin, David and others

Jordin,unknown, and David

David and Jordin

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David Archuleta – Twittering about Cuban Food and his Childhood House

3 February 2010



David’s latest twitter:  Surprise, surprise it was about food!  Haha!  And to check out his childhood house!

Had some good Cuban food for dinner earlier! Also drove by the first home I ever lived in! Ah, those early times of life haha. 38 minutes ago

David enjoyed good Cuban food for dinner last night and also drove by the first home he ever lived in.  How sweet is that!  I wonder what his house looked like back then.  Old memories of fun times growing up!

cartoon house

If  David was eating anything like these Cuban Foods….ummm good!   I want some!

Cuban food Cuban food

Thanks, David, for making us hungry!

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David Archuleta – Promoting Friend Carly Smithson’s Single on iTunes

2 February 2010



David Archuleta is always promoting friends and other artists’ work and this is no exception.  He tweeted his friend Carly Smithson’s single is now available on iTunes!  I can’t remember another artist being so generous to get the word out on someone else’s music.  He truly is a great and sincere friend and one who appreciates talented musicians.

Woo hoo! RT @realbrookewhite Everyone lets go get it! RT: @CarlySmithson: Bury me alive just went live on iTunes !!!!!!!! about 11 hours ago from web

Carly Smithson album cover art

Carly Smithson’s We Are the Fallen will play its first public concert at King’s College in London on March 23, three days before starting a 28-city American tour with HIM in Philadelphia. Tickets for the London show go on sale Friday, according to the group’s MySpace blog.

Also, the We Are the Fallen single “Bury Me Alive” is now available for digital purchase.

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Type Bee: RSVP, David Archuleta!

2 February 2010



Someone in your town may be a concert planner, an impresario. It might even be your next-door neighbor. While not in the same league as famous impresarios, such as Bill Graham, Quincy Jones, or Andrew Lloyd Webber, your hometown impresario offers a unique concert experience.

RSVP, David Archuleta!

David Archuleta photo shoot for debut album, summer 2008It’s the house concert, one of the latest trends in the music world. An invitation goes out to forty or fifty friends, all avid music lovers. It might read something like this, “You are cordially invited to our living room (den, backyard, or basement) to hear world-famous singer (drummer, pianist, or guitarist), NAME OF ARTIST, at a private concert. We ask only that you bring your ear for great music and a small donation.” As the music industry struggles to develop a new business model, both artists and listeners often feel left out in the cold. The house concert is a grass-roots effort to bring music back into our lives in a direct, warm and friendly manner. Avoiding hyped-up promoters and greedy venue owners, the house concert provides the pure and simple delights of music.

Before he became a “teen singing sensation,” David Archuleta often performed in nursing homes, hospitals, churches, restaurants, and even private houses in his home state of Utah. Even though he has achieved success since American Idol, he often says he prefers the small, intimate theatre where he can establish a connection with the audience. The house concert is the ideal venue for artists, even well-known ones, who want their music to be an expression of their humanity.

This article in my local newspaper caught my eye. “Mayor talent in the house” by Michael Dougan explores this new trend in music.

Other House Concert resources:
Celebrating Songwriters
Acoustic Vortex
Rose Street Music
Tips for your own home shows
List of touring artists available for home concerts

Totally Random

And now something totally random for those of you who live in cold, freezing, wintry, snowy climes! A digital snowman!

Here is a Unicode Snowman:

If you can see the snowman above, your computer has a font that will correctly display unicode. Unicode Snowman

Until next week, here’s the buzz word…

Buzz Word

Main Entry: im·pre·sa·rio
Pronunciation: \ˌim-prə-ˈsär-ē-ˌō, -ˈser-, -ˈzär-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural im·pre·sa·ri·os
Etymology: Italian, from impresa undertaking, from imprendere to undertake, from Vulgar Latin imprehendere — more at emprise
Date: 1746

1 : the promoter, manager, or conductor of an opera or concert company
2 : a person who puts on or sponsors an entertainment (as a television show or sports event)


Now make a beeline to last week’s “Type Bee”.

Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta

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