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David Archuleta – Sitting in 2010 Shelby GT500 Super Snake Coupe – Jordin Sparks Experience

5 February 2010



David Archuleta in red car

David Archuleta looked really classy in that GT500 Super Snake Coupe at the Jordin Sparks Experience in Miami, Florida the other night. It gave him a brief illusion of freedom as if he had freedom for work, from all the worries and responsibilities, from the hard work he has been putting into his songwriting and all of his charity work.

The car ads on television and in magazines always suggest an ideal world, connecting the idea of the automobile to freedom, openness, endless power and possibility. But does it really transform our lives? Does it really change our world?

For one young man, David Archuleta, I am sure it would not change him at all. For someone who is more concerned about people instead of things and doesn’t spend money on much other than food, he might feel this is over the top spending. We have seen him in a energy-saving car and he is concerned about the environment. Remember when he was on AI he stated he dislikes people not putting trash in the trash cans. They even had a commercial of him doing just that. Haha!

Nevertheless, he did look awfully cute in that shiny red car!

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David Archuleta, Mr. February, is Photo of the Week

5 February 2010




David Archuleta, My Calendar Guy I’m enjoying my new calendar for 2010 because every month features some of my favorite photos of David. As the year marches on, I’ll enjoy using this calendar for schedules, birthdays, vacations—and hopefully to mark dates for David’s 2010 concert tour! On my calendar, February’s photo is unexpected, because it’s not David covered in Valentine hearts. It’s GREEN!

Photo of the Week is February Photo Art by R4D.

David Archuleta is extremely photogenic. The eyes, the smile! The camera loves him! Many photographers have snapped him in studios, on stage, and off stage. Another kind of visual artist—the graphic artist—has been inspired to interpret the photos of David in unique and sometimes unexpected ways. One such artist is James, better known among David’s fans as Rabid4David or simply R4D. He’s a Filipino artist who has created many digital art posters of David Archuleta. The artwork is so cool—posterized, colorized, digitized. There are even iconic depictions of David as James Dean and James Bond. R4D could produce a fabulous album cover for David!

R4D composite of David Archuleta

Did you miss last week’s Photo of the Week?

David Archuleta, a Photographer’s Dream

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David Archuleta’s Hot Dance Moves with Jordin Sparks and Sam Moore!

4 February 2010



Looks as though David Archuelta has been holding out on his fans! He had some hot dance moves on stage with Jordin Sparks and Sam Moore last night. At 0.47 it looks like he has a great James Brown dance action going. Also watch him wave off them giving him a mic while on stage, never wants to outshine someone else. Little does he know that where ever he stands a light shines on him.

The talent of these two exceed many people’s expectations but never have I seen such a gifted pair on stage. Jordin and David have a beautiful chemistry together and should explore that in the near future. We are very lucky to have experienced such a beautiful performance by these beautiful artists and watching Sam Moore was a delight to behold.

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David Archuleta Duets with Jordin Sparks – Showed How It Should Be Done!

3 February 2010



 David Archuleta has a special gift that few other artists have – he can sing anything and can blend with anyone’s else voice.  He and Jordin were exquisite together and definitely this performance warrants another duet in the future!

David Archuleta singing No Air

Source: Neon Limelight – February 3, 2010

pix of Jordin SparksRemember when Justin Bieber filled in for an absent Chris Brown to duet with Jordin Sparks on their smash hit “No Air”? Remember how much your ears hurt afterward? Well, we’re not trying to start a rivalry or anything like that, but, uh, take notes JB.

David Archuleta stepped in for Breezy to perform “No Air” with Jordin Sparks today (February 3) at the Jordin Sparks Experience event in Miami, Florida, and showed everyone how it should be done.

The performance was clearly a bit unrehearsed, but Archie was still ready. His powerful voice soared over his verse and blended perfectly with Jordin’s. And unlike Bieber, he felt no need to overdo it or try to out-sing Jordin. OUCH! Sorry…flashback.

pix of Jason DeRuloJordin Sparks and David Archuleta aren’t just sweet songbirds. They’re both deeply involved in charities and using their voices for good. The buds put their beautiful pipes to good use at Jordin’s 3rd annual Jordin Sparks Experience, which took place today (February 3) in Miami, Florida. The event brought awareness to Allstate Insurance’s X the TXT campaign; a campaign to end texting while driving. Also helping Jordin and Archie at the event was pop singer Jason DeRulo.

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“Super Hear” Mission for AI Super Heroes

3 February 2010



Jordin Sparks and David Archuleta, two American Idol Super Heroes with an excellent ear for music and the gift of charity, are on a mission to help hundreds of children who suffer from hearing loss.

The Starkey Hearing Foundation is partnering with Jordin Sparks, Sparks Charities and David Archuleta to deliver the gift of hearing, with free hearing aids to hundreds of under-served children throughout the Miami area.

SOURCE: MELODIKA.net – Athletes, Entertainers and Celebrities Deliver the Gift of Hearing Free to Hundreds of Children in M

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