David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
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David Archuleta – Can We Hope For A New Valentine’s Greeting?

10 February 2010



Remember last year when we were all surprised by David’s Valentine greeting singing “You Can”? Can we hope for another new greeting this year? How special we all felt on Valentine’s Day when David gave us his heartfelt phone message singing “I Just Called To Say I Love You” by Stevie Wonder!! Wow! David was so sweet and thoughtful to acknowledge all of his fans on that special day!

Let’s hope he realizes how special he is to everyone! Maybe we will be fortunate to hear from David this year, but until then we have these two messages from last year!

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David Archuleta – We Love Him But Age Difference Still Too Great For Some!

9 February 2010



Well since David Archuleta is too young, I gonna go for George Clooney…I can handle the age difference with him. ha, ha.

Love this reply I found on Popeater’s comments!

David Archuleta Christmas concert 2009

Which Celebrity Is Your Dream Valentine’s Day Date?

by Amber James
Everyone has celebrity crushes, and our loyal PopEater fans on Facebook and Twitter were not shy about revealing which stars they’d love to be with on Valentine’s Day. The women’s top picks included Johnny Depp, Gerard Butler, Robert Pattinson and (surprisingly) Donnie Wahlberg! Watch out boys. On the other hand, men were more skewed and picked everyone from Zooey Deschanel and Britney Spears to the ‘Poker Face’ singer herself, Lady Gaga. (Okay, even we would love to be a fly on the wall for that date — just to see what outrageous outfit the pop phenom would wear.) So, do you agree or disagree with these picks? Join the ongoing discussion on PopEater’s Facebook.

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David Archuleta’s New Blog – February 9, 2010

9 February 2010



David Archuleta’s Latest Blog

Hey everyone!

So I’ve had a pretty awesome week! I was able to get some time to go down to Florida and help Jordin Sparks out with her charity called Jordin Sparks Experience. It was a really neat experience! What made it even better is that I had my mom come down with me. The event was in Miami Beach and I was born in Miami, so my mom and I were so happy to go back haha. But it was so great because Jordin and I finally got to sing together!! We sang No Air, which is pretty difficult to sing haha. Jordin is such an incredible singer though! I can’t believe I got to sing that song with her. At first when I found out she wanted me to sing that song with her I was thinkin’, “Uh…” lol because it’s such a hard song to sing and I thought I would look like an idiot trying to sing that song with someone who sings that good. It was a real privilege though getting to sing with someone that talented and who sings with that much emotion, and they’re close to my age. But yeah it was a fun event and Jason DeRulo, Chrisette Michele, this amazing 9 year-old pianist Ethan Bortnick, and Sam Moore were there as well, and they were all great people.

Oh man so while I really enjoyed getting to go to the event, I felt like such a loser because my cheek was like a balloon! It was swollen, but there was nothing I could do to hide it. So I just had to deal with all the pictures and cameras and not let it get to me lol. At least I’ll be able to tell where the pictures were taken, because if my cheek is swollen in any of them it means I was on my Florida trip in the beginning of February, 2010. While we were down there though we were able to go to the Miami Children’s Hospital, and it was great getting to meet the kids there. The only thing that made me feel uncomfortable were all the cameras there lol. Not just for my cheek but just how we wanted to focus on getting to talk and meet with the kids. But Jordin was able to ask the cameras to leave once we went to visit the individual kids in rooms to put the focus on them, and it’s cool to see how much Jordin cares about those kids.

While I was at the hospital, I was able to get checked on for my swelling haha. So I was able to get some antibiotics for the infection that I had. I think it had to do with my 12 year molars which are FINALLY coming in now that my wisdom teeth are finally out. But it’s all good because it’s almost back to normal! I can hardly see it anymore. Sometimes you wonder why things like that happen, but it helps you appreciate what you have more and not take it for granted.

Another thing we got to do while we were down there was meet with PeeWee Salinas. We became friends with him when we met him at Nuestra Navidad, and it was good hanging out with him. He’s a Latino artist so if you aren’t familiar with his stuff you can listen to “Quédate.” I heard it on the radio while we were down in Miami which was cool haha. Something that PeeWee, my mom and I got to do was go to the Owl City concert! haha. It was a really fun one to watch and all the band and crew are super nice people. Lights opened up for Owl City and she is one of the friendliest people I’ve met. She is the one who reminded me that while my face was swollen, it will help me appreciate my normal face more lol. But she’s really talented! She has an electronica vibe and you guys should check he rout.

All right, the last thing I did in Florida was visit family!! I got to spend time with mi abuelita, cousins, aunt and uncle and it was just so great. I love getting to see family and spend as much time as I can with them! It was even great driving around with them and going to Wal Mart lol. But I didn’t want to leave, and my mom didn’t either. It just gives us more reason to go back though. So I’m hoping to go back again soon. I’m proud to be born there haha.

This week ahead is back to writing! I had my first day with Lindy Robbins and Matt Squire yesterday and it’s off to a great start! I just felt really comfortable with the song and felt like I wasn’t worrying about trying to impress someone or be anything else. I’m excited for the day when everything’s ready to get the album out for you guys to listen to the new stuff! But I better leave now because as you can see I can write until your eyes fall out. But thanks everyone for your continued enthusiasm about this next project! I will talk to you guys later!

Songs for the day:

February Air – Lights

I had to give 2 Chrisette songs because she’s so amazing.

Best of Me – Chrisette Michele

Blame it On Me – Chrisette Michele

SOURCE: David’s blog posted on Feb 9, 2010

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David Archuleta In March Issue of J-14 Magazine!

9 February 2010



Does David Archuleta really look like he is a freshman in high school?  Maybe!!  But he does have, in my humble opinion, charm whether it’s old or new!    At 19, he has exciting good looks that will melt any young girl’s heart!   Oh yeah, he can sing like an Angel too!

David on cover of j14 Magazine

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David Archuleta – Back in LA Writing with Matt Squire & Lindy Robbins

9 February 2010



 David Archuleta is really pushing full steam ahead with his songwriting as he is again in Los Angeles to collaborate with Matt Squire and Lindy Robbins. Personally, I am very excited he is wasting no time getting his album finished. I can hardly wait until it’s released!

pix of songwriter Matt Squire in studioMatt Squire is known for producing power pop. He has a knack for discovering underground bands and helping them refine their sound. Squire works very closely with his bands. He is known as a hands-on producer who often makes lyrical and musical suggestions. He is known to write music on his own and present his ideas to the bands. He also co-writes with artists.

Although he is mostly known for his successes in the pop-punk scene, he has branched out and worked on other musical styles with artists like Katy Perry.

Matt Squire was born in Washington, D.C on May 7, 1976 to John Squire and Lynn Zwerin. He was drawn to music at an early age. He got his first guitar at age 8 and he taught himself how to play drums at age 10. Squire attended high school at Georgetown Day and graduated in 1994. He went on to attend Boston University and graduated in 1999.

In late 2004, Squire moved to the Washington, D.C. area to open up SOMD studio in College Park, Maryland. After moving back to the Washington area, Squire was re-introduced to Alexandra (Ali) Mackler. Squire and Mackler both went to the same high school and college. Prior to his May 27, 2007 marriage, Squire moved into a new home down the road from College Park and reopened SOMD studio in his home. After years of success in Maryland, Squire moved to Los Angeles. Currently, Squire maintains SOMD studio in Maryland and also works out of Los Angeles.

pix of Lindy RobbinsLindy Robbins is an award-winning, multi-platinum selling songwriter from Los Angeles. She started singing with her late, gifted musician father Walter Wissman when she was three, and was an acclaimed performer in NYC and LA before becoming a full time songwriter in 1997. Current releases include “Lost Then Found” recorded by Leona Lewis (featuring One Republic) and four cuts with American Idol winner Kris Allen. She also recently had two songs on Demi Lovato’s #1 record “Here We Go Again,” including the first hit single and title song, five songs on Jordin Sparks highly anticipated top-five sophomore release “Battlefield,” three songs on Selena Gomez’s top ten new record “Kiss and Tell,” seven songs on Fueled By Ramen’s punk pop band Friday Night Boys, and a song “No More Heroes” on the multi-platinum group Westlife.

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