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David Archuleta – Attending Latin Music Awards Tonight!

18 February 2010



Additional performers and presenters still to be announced!

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that David Archuleta will be performing at the Latin Music Awards tonight! Just seeing him on the red carpet would help my ODD. Maybe he will present an award!

We already know from the Billboard news yesterday that David will be a part of the Spanish version of “We Are the World,” a single to benefit Haiti, and that the recording for it will take place tomorrow, February 19th.

Tonight’s Latino Awards are being held at the American Airlines Arena in Miami. This is the same venue for the taping of “We Are the World.” According to tweets, David said he is headed for the “east coast.” Maybe he will make an appearance at the Latino Awards tonight.

Univision has more information, including a list of celebrities.

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David Archuleta – Autographed My Christmas From The Heart CD

18 February 2010



David Archuleta Autograph on Christmas CD

Today was a great day! My autographed Christmas from the Heart CD just came back from the framer. During David Archuleta’s Christmas tour, I was fortunate to bid on a bag of fan goodies at an auction with the proceeds being donated to one of David’s charities. It was also mentioned that his CD would be autographed for me before the end of the evening.

As promised, it was signed and will always remain one of my favorite items from David!

Thank you so much!

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David Archuleta – Finalist In Shorty Awards Real-Time Photo of the Year

17 February 2010



 David Archuleta’s picture of himself having his wisdom teeth extracted is one of five finalists!  How cute!  Congratulations!  Your photo has to win!

Real-Time Photo Finalists
Photos shared publicly on social media sites can bring us behind the scenes and to the front lines in an immediate, unprecedented way. For the first time, the Shorty Awards will recognize the Real-Time Photo of the Year.

Five finalists were chosen from your nominations. They are photos taken in 2009, shot from a camera phone, and uploaded to a site such as Twitpic, Yfrog, Tweetphoto, Facebook, and Flickr. These images are currently being judged by the Academy on how interesting and newsworthy they are, and how well they make use of the real-time nature of the medium.

While the Academy members deliberate, you can see the finalists and judge for yourself:

Plane in the Hudson
By Janis Krums
“There’s a plane in the Hudson. I’m on the ferry going to pick up the people. Crazy.”

Iranian protests [graphic image]
By Mojtaba Samienejad
“attack to university of Tehran / crime #iranelection”

Twitpic from space
By JAXA astronaut Souichi Noguchi
“Full Moon, seen from space!”

By MoJoe Roberts
“Thanks everybody! Stats: 9lbs, 19inches born at 8:18pm.”

About to have wisdom teeth extracted
By David Archuleta

The winner will be announced at the Shorty Awards ceremony in New York City at the TimesCenter on March 3. Get details and purchase tickets here.

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David Archuleta – TV Guide 2008

17 February 2010



CD and TV Guide cover

American Idol Top Three highlighted in TV Guide, May 19-25, 2008 issue!

Remember when we bought any and all magazines that featured David Archuleta when he was on Season 7 of American Idol?  Somehow I missed out and was lucky enough to order this copy on Amazon.com and it arrived today.  Haha!  I need to clarify this statement—I still buy any and all magazines that feature David in them. 

This issue mentioned how their dreams are about to come true and gives an exclusive look at their hopes and fears.  This particular moment with David in the studio recording is very cute. The sound engineer flings pencils at the wall of clear glass separating him from David to punctuate his point when it’s clear David is doing something right.

In the recording studio, the Voice is once again filling the room.  The engineer tosses another pencil at the window in approval.  “How many pencils do you have?” David asks, dissolving once again into giggles.

“A lot, “Brad says. “Bring it home, man.”  David’s in the zone.  “Singing gets me in such a good mood,” he says.  “It takes you to a whole other place in life, away from everything, for a few moments at least.”

That’s exactly what David’s singing does for the rest of us too!

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David Archuleta – @davidarchie in the booth….where he belongs when he’s not on stage.

16 February 2010



It’s hard to distinguish who is more impressed with whom—David Archuleta with the songwriters he has been working with these last few weeks or the  songwriters Emanuel Kiriakou and Claude Kelly with David. 

Such amazing talent gathered together in one room creating the best of Pop Music today with the realization they have the best Pop singer in their presence!  Their mutual admiration for one another is priceless and so will be the music they are creating!  What a treat we will have when David’s album is finished!

twitter from Emanuel Kiriakou

twitter from Claude Kelly

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