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Photo of the Week

26 February 2010




“The Early Days”This photo of David brings back a slew of good ole memories for me and I’m sure you all will agree…some really good memories.

Photo of this week is…!

  • Photo Credit: Christina, Portland, Oregon, American Idol tour 2008

Did you miss last week’s Photo of the Week?

David Archuleta, a Photographer’s Dream

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David Archuleta Question’s Animal Acquisition at Home!

26 February 2010



“Another Dog!? Why is it everytime I come home there’s a new animal here?? Lol”

Maybe they miss you so much while you’re gone they need that lovin feeling from a warm and cuddly animal!!!!! Cats, dogs, fish, birds! What next??

Gosh! David Archuleta makes me laugh!!

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David Archuleta and John Lennon Singing Imagine! Idols Listen and Learn!

26 February 2010



A painful evening last night watching American Idol and listening to a very bad version of “Apologize.” David Archuleta is the only one who can really sing that song, he even does a better job than “One Republic”. I am just thankful someone didn’t try to sing “Imagine.” Last night was like eating something that left a bad taste in your mouth and now we need to rinse.

Noooo! I am not going to try and compare these two versions of IMAGINE! David Archuleta sang his verson of John Lennon’s Imagine on the second week of Season 7 on American Idol February of 2008. It became a classic in its own right and thought it would be honoring both of them to enjoy both versions.

Many discussions and arguments arise from whether David’s version was better than Lennon’s or vise versa. It was a sensitive time back in the ’60s and John Lennon gave us food for thought in his writing of Imagine. David grew up loving this song and thoroughly felt and understood the meaning of Lennon’s song.

David’s rendition give us an updated emotional sensitivity and reawakening to the song, its meaning, and the man we loved so much who wrote it. We lost a great singer/songwriter and because of David Archuleta he was brought back to us if only in song.

Enjoy listening to two unique artists singing Imagine!!!

John’s Original

David’s Version

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David Archuleta – No One Can Compare! – Sorry Aaron Kelly!

25 February 2010



Let’s put the comparisons to rest about David Archuleta and Aaron Kelly. David knocked it out of the park the first night in the Top 24 and Aaron Kelly barely got to first base. The magic is gone from American Idol and the judges have lost their credibility as one drools over a contestant and another can only say they are really thrilled your’re on the show or you have so much personality.

Apparently personality will win out as I see very little musical talent or artistry with Season 9 contestants. Many comments from Simon during and after Season 7 accused the group of 12 of not having any personality, yet I find they had a great deal of personality and talent. Personally, this Season has lost my interest and I find that only two of the female contestants seem to have a chance of winning the Idol crown.

There is always the chance that voice coaches, hairstylists, wardrobe stylists and makeup professionals can change the direction of this season. But the only change I see coming is the channel on my remote.

From Idol Chatter
Aaron Kelly channels Rascal Flatts’ Gary LeVox

Recommend the producers revisit Aaron Kelly’s painful second Hollywood solo, where he forgot the lyrics to Sarah McLachlan’s Angel.

Chris Sligh will be happy — Aaron’s singing the Rascal Flatts hit Here Comes Goodbye, which he co-wrote. He’s even got his hair spiked like Flatts singer Gary LeVox. He’s a little flat going into the chorus, and he likes to mimic LeVox’s nasal tone. He doesn’t play with the melody as much as LeVox, but he also doesn’t have as strong a voice. He hits the big note, though, and comes down strong, but the ending run is kind of weak. And, honestly, Aaron brought absolutely nothing — not one single thing — original to this song.

And how much does that matter to the judges?

“Bearing in mind that it was your first live show, it actually was a good performance,” says Simon, but he also notes Aaron’s apparent nervousness and lack of confidence.

He’s Kara’s favorite kind of contestant, one who doesn’t have any idea how good he is. “What you do naturally, you can’t teach people that. … I think we’re going to see incredible things from you.”

Randy says he has a huge voice. “Believe in yourself. You can definitely do this.”

“Ditto to all that,” says Ellen, who believes he’ll be on the show a long time.

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David Archuleta – New Video Vlog! Should I Get A Haircut??

24 February 2010



David Archuleta has a new video vlog up today asking whether he should get a haircut and if you have a suggestion twitter him. It’s his day off and he has been walking on the beach deciding if a new style is in his future! His mother wants him to keep it long but he doesn’t know what to do with it long.

Some twitters suggested a Mohawk and he said, “All right enough with the mohawks! lol”. I vote with your mother, keep it longer this time and you can always cut it shorter at a later time. His hair is beautiful so any style he chooses will be great!

Oh yes, I am glad we got to meet Duke (the cousin) the one David gets mixed up about when his aunt talks to Duke or is it David? HaHa!

David Archuleta has to be the cutest 19 year there is!!!! Hungry all the time and sometimes can’t always make a decision right away, but still the cutest of all time!!!

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