pikepss Weekly on David Archuleta
Good Morning Honeybees and Fans!
Exciting days for David Archuleta this past week with his participation in Somos El Mundo. The buzz from the media is tremendous and he deserves all the positive attention as his solo and group performance was fantastic. I truly believe this Spanish version of “We Are The World” is better than the English version.
David has been spending a great deal of time in Los Angeles writing and recording with Eman and many others for his new album. Eman’s studio has been David’s home away from home. He is seeing old friends while he is here in Los Angeles, hanging out with Brooke White and going to see Syesha Mercado in Dreamgirls. He also had a break and delighted many 4th grade students by reading Dr. Seuss to them on Reading Across America Day. By the way, I just loved the hat he wore! Haha!
This week American Idol got off to a very shaky and slow start. Many critics keep comparing David’s performance of John Lennon’s “Imagine” to show the weakness of talent in this season’s contestants. No one can sing better than David Archuleta (my opinion) and I have to agree this Season 9 may be the most boring season so far and the judges seem to be totally all over the place. They can’t make up their minds what they want, change the song and make it their own, or just sing it they way it was written. Confusing for everyone!
Music on Demand has a Tribute to Selena this month and they have a video of David mentioning how much he has enjoyed her music. Also, for those of you that haven’t heard, David has a new official site! Please go and re-register so you can get all the latest David Archuleta news, videos, etc.
Have a safe and happy week!
Reviews and Interviews
28 February
The Daily News
Reality Bites: Casey + Kara Sittin’ In A Tree
By Cristina Kinon
Every Friday, we like to sum up what happened in the week in reality TV. Here’s the best, worst and most shocking.
Other Andrew shows off his Britney Spears tattoos on Bravo’s “Kell On Earth.” (Photo by Bravo)
“American Idol” (Fox) While the top 12 women and top 12 men were caterwauling across the “Idol” stage in the first two live shows of the season, making sex with their eyes to camera 3, the judges were having some issues of their own. Well, not Simon. He’s perfect. But new judge Ellen DeGeneres isn’t really adding anything new to the conversation. Her go-to comments are “I like you” and “pitchy,” which, in regards to the latter, is really throwing Randy Jackson for a loop. “Pitchy” is normally his go-to critique, so now he’s having to improvise with actual, thoughtful critiques about upper registers and tone. Throw in just one more “for me for you,” dawg, for old time’s sake. Meanwhile, Kara is off in the corner, doodling “Casey James” on her notepad with little hearts floating around it.
NOW THAT’S GOOD TV: In his pre-performance clip, Todrick Hall said that you could never realize how many people watch “Idol” until you’re on the show. You might if you wrote something even slightly negative about David Archuleta, and the wrath of millions of tweens and their moms rained down upon you. You might realize it then, and it might shake you to your core.
Wow! Todrick Hall gets it! About AI and David Archuleta!
2 March
Music on Demand
Music Choice
David Archuleta’s Tribute to Selena Quintanilla

3 March
Examiner.com – by Paula Slade
Not many 19-year-olds have experienced life long enough to warrant the writing of a memoir, let alone have it printed and sold by a mainstream publishing house, but that’s all about to change with the Tuesday, May 4, 2010 release of singer/songwriter David Archuleta’s Chords of Strength : A Memoir of Soul, Song and the Power of Perseverance.
Archuleta became a beloved national entertainment figure in 2008 when he took the country by storm becoming the runner-up for the crowning title of American Idol.
As one of the youngest Idol contestants, his talent and self-effacing manner endeared him to legions of fans, and since that time he has not disappointed his followers, and has continued on a meteoric rise entering the realm of best-selling recording artists on Billboard’s charts.
Along the way, Archuleta frequently gave of his time, talent and celebrity for numerous charitable causes such as his recent participation in the February 19, 2010, recording of the Spanish language version of “We are the World” for Haitian earthquake relief, and volunteering to promote literacy for today’s Read Across America event, which Archuleta “Twittered” about earlier in the day to his followers, as he good-naturedly donned a red and white striped hat to read his favorite kid’s author, Dr. Seuss, and Seuss’ inspiring story, “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!” to a classroom of 4th grade students.
Archuleta’s Chords of Strength, published by Celebra, an imprint of the Penguin Group, will be a guaranteed hit with his devoted fans, and a much needed dose of inspiration for many others, as the book offers an in-depth look at this remarkable young person who has overcame vocal chord paralysis and personal insecurities, in order to capture his dream of becoming a singer.
Chords shares Archuleta’s background about his sustaining faith, his family and the multitude of fans that have provided him with nurturing examples, which set him on his remarkable journey of persevering against all odds, and in the process provided impetus for becoming a role model for many youth.
In anticipation of the May 4 release date, Chords of Strength: A Memoir of Soul, Song and the Power of Perseverance may be pre-ordered through such retailers as Amazon.com.
For your listening and viewing pleasure, a new David Archuleta song, “She’s Not You,” has recently found its way onto the Internet and has been captured, along with a wonderful montage of Archuleta pictures that are sure to delight his many fans! Enjoy!
David Archuleta Music Scholarship
3 March
The David Archuleta Music Scholarship: Mission Statement
Our Mission: To provide musically inclined, outstandingly dedicated high school students with the funds to strive for musical achievements in an instructional establishment of higher education.
The cornerstones of The David Archuleta Music Scholarship reflect David’s lifestyle, work ethic and values:
Dedication: those who can, do. Those who are dedicated can do more than they ever imagined, reach out to others, and change lives.
Aptitude: talent is not born – it is created, practiced, and mastered, but never perfected, for there is always more to learn in the art of music.
Perseverance: the drive and the enthusiasm to keep pressing on despite circumstances does not just build character – it reveals character.
Music: the passion for music awakens and never dies – it comes from the outermost corners of the heart and fills the soul.
Each year a scholarship will be awarded to a senior student(s) from David Archuleta’s home town high school — Murray High School in Murray, Utah. Take a moment to review the music scholarship criteria and submit your scholarship application by April 30, 2010.
Make a Tax-Deductible Donation
We encourage fans of David Archuleta and those who support the growth of music and musicians to make a tax deductible donation to the scholarship fund. The David Archuleta Music Scholarship is a non-profit organization.
Do you have a question? E-mail us at info@thedavidarchuletamusicscholarship.org or e-mail Amy Knox at Murray High School.
Good luck to all David Archuleta Music Scholarship applicants and thank you to those who make donations to continue this worthy cause.
For more info: http://www.thedavidarchuletamusicscholarship.org/
Somos el Mundo buzz!
Thanks, Archuleta Avenue!
Bring Da Beat Back: “David Archuleta ‘Somos El Mundo 25 Por Haiti’ Video Premiere”
Shineon-media: “David Archuleta: Somos El Mundo Video”
Oceanup: “David Archuleta SOMOS EL MUNDO”
LatestMusicHeadlines.com: “‘Somos El Mundo’ Video Premieres, Stars Pitbull, Shakira, Juanes, David Archuleta, Daddy Yankee”
@theteenscoop: “David Archuleta SOMOS EL MUNDO: ‘We Are The World’ SPANISH version! http://bit.ly/cLMdmz #tscoop”
@ JonathanBlum (Director E! Entertainment Television Latin America.): “In contrast @Davidarchie (Archuleta on Idol) puts all his heart. http://bit.ly/bpA8OW”
MJ’s: “David Archuleta in Somos El Mundo (Spanish-Language ‘We Are The World) First Listen Plus Video”
Rickey.org: “Somos el Mundo (We Are The World) featuring David Archuleta”
Billboard.com: “‘Somos El Mundo’ Video Premieres, Stars Pitbull, Shakira, Juanes, David Archuleta, Daddy Yankee”
LATimes.com: “Spanish-language ‘We Are the World,’ featuring David Archuleta, premieres Monday night; Idols still doing their part for Haiti”
Aceshowbiz.com: “Music Video for ‘We Are the World’ Spanish Version Emerges”
4 March
American Idol Late But Finally Reached the Party

Dreamgirls, The Rave, Jamba Jim
4 March
David and Brooke attend Dreamgirls in Los Angeles

Pictured here are David Archuleta, Syesha Mercado, and Brooke White.
David in Concert at the Rave in Los Angeles

5 March
From Snarky Archies – Cool Poster on the Wall – jambajim:)

Chart/Sales/Book Updates
Somos el Mundo, Album sales
2 March
Somos el Mundo
iTunes – #l in Latino Songs – #2 in Music Videos
4 March
Idol Chatter – Bonus Numbers!
by Brian Mansfield
I got a few new numbers, mostly requests, from the latest Nielsen SoundScan information. No weekly sales, but some release-to-date figures I know some of you have been wanting for a while. Enjoy!
Kelly Clarkson
All I Ever Wanted (841,00 total)
Breakaway (6.13 million)
My December (808,000)
Thankful (2.74 million)
Ruben Studdard
Playlist: The Very Best Of (1,000)
Love IS (44,000)
Elliott Yamin
Elliott Yamin (527,000)
Fight for Love (49,000)
Kris Allen, Alright With Me (21,000 total)
Allison Iraheta, Friday I’ll Be Over U (54,000)
Allison Iraheta, Scars (20,000)
Katharine McPhee, Terrified (41,000)
David Archuleta, Crush (1.9 million)
David Archuleta, A Little Too Not Over You (247,000)
Spotlighted Blog
6 March
The David Chronicles
The guy @ 2:30

The release of Somos El Mundo has spawned increased interest with TheArchulator. YouTube, Twitter & other online uploads have been peppered with comments and questions about him. I have read some unflattering remarks about the video or about certain artists or some complaints about not seeing other more internationally known Hispanic celebrities. But, I have yet to encounter a negative feedback specific to David.
Comments about him are heartwarming, some hilarious and a number, surprising — like not knowing he has Hispanic roots. Depending on which version of the video you are checking out, you invariably see inquiries about the guy at 2:30 or 2:11 or 2:36 or 2:44 or 4:20 or 6:19, etc… and they all point to him!
Alguien me podria decir quien es el jovencito de ojos verdes del min 2:30 al 2:36? Mil gracias (Can someone tell who is the green-eyed boy of 2:30 to 2:36 min? Thanks a lot!)
Alguien me puede decir quien es el chico que canta al minuto 2:31? Me encanta su voz, pero no tengo idea de quien es. Ayuda porfa!! (Can someone tell me who is the guy who sings at minute 2:31? I love his voice, but I have no idea who he is. Help please!!)
This sounds better! Electric guitar has a much better… I like Archuleta singing, I didn’t realize he is also Latino ..
Quien es el que canta al 2:30? Despues de Juan Luis G…. (Who is that singing at 2:30? After Juan Luis G…)
Sorprendida me hallo de que David Chuleta de repente me resulte tan lindo! (I got surprised when I suddenly heard David Chuleta’s voice he is so cute!
Quien es el chavo que sale en el 2 30 canta muy bien. Diganme please (Who is the kid who comes in 2 30 who sings very well. Please tell me)
Un a david archuleta! Ese niño es precioso y canta divino (Ah david archuleta! That child is beautiful and sings divine
Ustedes me podrian desir quien es el chico de 2:32 (You might like to help – I’d like to know who is the guy at 2:32)
…me encanta david archuleta es el mejor y tambien ricardo montaner! (I love David Archuleta, he is the best and also, Ricardo Montaner
Definitivamente mala, mala, mala.. pero Olga TaÑon y Jose Feliciano, el chico 2:31 y La de 5ta estación se votan. (Definitely bad, bad, bad .. except for Olga Tanon and Jose Feliciano, the boy in 2:31 and the 5th season voted on.
Quien es el de ojos claros? (Who is the clear eyed?)
Hola soy de Brasil y me encanto la version. Alguien puede decirme por favor quien eres el nino de ojos azul que canta una parte como solista? Me encanto su voz!!!! (Hi I’m from Brazil and I love the version, can someone please tell me who is the blue-eyed boy who sings a solo part? I love his voice!!
2:32..i wanna know his name..
His name is David Archuleta. I didn’t even know he spoke Spanish. The cover sounds really nice.
Quien es el del minuto 2:30 m gushhta
David Archuletta [sic]. Es el que gano american idol hace un ano creo y normalmente canta en ingles (David Archuletta is the american idol who won a year ago and usually sings in English)
El de min:2:30, es David Archuleta, del american idol?? Si es asi me encanta que este alli, aunque no sabia que cantaba en español, me encanto la parte de belinda, luis fonsi, kany garcia, espectacular!! ah! y Jhon secada!!! At 2:30, that’s David Archuleta?? If yes, then I love that he is there, but did not know he sings in Spanish, I also love the part of Belinda, Luis Fonsi, Kany Garcia, spectacular! ah! and Jhon Secada!)
Es curioso cómo nadie sabe David Archuleta es latino. Su apellido significa “Porkchop” en ESPAÑOL. Así que si usted nació en los EE.UU. no es latino?? Él es un cantante increíble, él y Luis Fonsi se robó todo para mí. Increíble!! (Funny how nobody knows David Archuleta is Latino. His surname means “Porkchop” in SPANISH. So if you were born in the U.S. non-Latino? He is an incredible singer, Luis Fonsi him and stole everything for me. Incredible!)
La mejor parte es del chico hondureño americano creo q es David Archuleta muy buen cantante (The best part is the Honduran boy American I think David Archuleta is very good singer)
@Songbird6282 el David Archuleta es el niño que sale en el minuto 2.30 ? o quién es ese niño? podrías decirme por favor?? (@ Songbird6282 The David Archuleta is the child exiting the minute 2.30? or who is this kid? could you tell me please?)
En cambio @DavidArchie (Archuleta de Idol) le pone todo su corazón. (In contrast, @DavidArchie [Archuleta from Idol] puts his entire heart into it — twitted by Jonathan Blum, Director E! Entertainment TV Latin America.)
God, who’s the babe who sings after Juan L. Guerra…he’s fine!!
So, will this prompt David’s Management & Jive to put a more concerted effort to reach out to the huge, rich Hispanic market? Or at least seriously consider a Spanish album soon? Whatever the case, I’m just happy that new markets out of the AI frontier is discovering or re-discovering that guy @ 2:30 — our guy!
Have you ordered the song and video from iTunes? Let us not forget what Somos El Mundo is all about A restful weekend to all!
David News/Blogs
New Official Website
4 March
New Official Site – Members need to resign on Website

The official David Archuleta site
A message to all members of DAVID ARCHULETA
Hello friends of David Archuleta!
We’re launching a brand new DavidArchuleta.com website and David needs your help! He needs you to sign up for the new site as this old one will be deleted. David is really excited for this new site because it will be the official spot for all things David including exclusive news, music, videos, tour information and more!
How you can help? Gather up all your friends and let them know to sign up for the new and improved DavidArchuleta.com. Let’s get his new site to be one of the biggest sites ever! David appreciates your love and support.
The new site will be live this afternoon, so keep checking back at http://www.davidarchuleta.com!
Thanks! -Admin
Visit DAVID ARCHULETA at: http://davidarchuletanetwork.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
DavidArchie & Friends
28 February
This guy can really sing! You betcha! Haha!

1 March
DavidArchie – I’ve been thinking just a whole lot lately, ’bout what’s been and what awaits me…”
DavidArchie – RT @TheRealJordin: !Paciencia y fe!
DavidArchie – D!@Suttygal RT Somos El Mundo will premiere tonight at 10pm EST on the Cristina Show on Univision! Also a livestream on JustinTV YAY!
DavidArchie – Hey guys, you can check me out all month long on @MusicChoice on Demand as it celebrates the music and legacy of Selena!
DavidArchie – Just a reminder about the premiere of the song Somos El Mundo tonight on Christina on Univision! Was a really wonderful experience.
DavidArchie – You can help and get Somos El Mundo on iTunes heree! www.itunes.com/somoselmundo
2 March
DavidArchie – Today’s Read Across America! Volunteer to help encourage kid to read books! Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! My favorite author as a kid!
DavidArchie – Goiing to read at an elementary school! 4th grade classes haha:)
DavidArchie – http://twitpic.com/168hnq-IMG00102-20100302-0946.jpg
DavidArchie – Met one of the cutest 5 year-olds I’ve ever met named Natalie, and she can do the robot! Haha!
DavidArchie – Been hanging out with @RealBrookeWhite today! So glad to get to hang with her again!
3 March
DavidArchie – Phone interview now!
DavidArchie – Ooo wee, chirpy chirpy Cheep cheep
DavidArchie – Going to see @Syesha perform in Dreamgirls tonight!

4 March
DavidArchie – http://twitpic.com/16ijgc-Reunited and it feels so good!
DavidArchie – Is Bill Nye the Science Guy still on? I loved watching that show when I was younger.
DavidArchie – Gonna have to exercise in my jeans today…Haha…Watching Idol from last night!
DavidArchie – Check out my new site and join the new http://www.davidarchuleta.com now!
DavidArchie – On my way to record some mores at Eman’s.
DavidArchie – Finished recording another song! I love songs that are positive like this one. Gets you looking at life in a better perspective.
DavidArchie – shawty is an eenie meenie minie mo lover. Hijole does that song get in your head or what!
DavidArchie – So I’m seeing many people asking and listening to She’s Not You now lol. It’s actually an older song from a while back, that Eman did! haha
DavidArchie – @Shell_eeeyyy There were more…but I don’t really want them to be leaked lol.
5 March
DavidArchie – 2nd day recording at Eman’s.
DavidArchie – Hm, lots of traffic. That’s ok though because jamming to Kirk Franklin! Haha
DavidArchie – Another song recorded! I feel like Eman’s studio is a home away from home. I spend so much time here music-wise lol.
6 March
DavidArchie – RT@paulocoelho:06/03 Don’t allow your mind tell your heart what to do. The mind gives up easily.
DavidArchie – I don’t think I can handle this no haircut thing for much longer.
DavidArchie – Haha! I’m not too worried enough to get that deep about it. But thanks! Mhwl143_FOD FOLLOW your HEART!
DavidArchie – All right, just came out of the booth for some fresh air but time to go back in and do some more recording!
DavidArchie – Finished for the day. Excited for next week, because I’m headed to Nashville! Woot woot
The Mint, ALMA Awards, Etc.
4 March
New video – David at the Mint in Los Angeles

Blast from the Past – Alma Awards
This little video got past me from last September’s ALMA Awards! Sweet video with David and his mother talking about Hispanic foods he likes…..Haha!

A rare look of David backstage prior to performing!

Google Alerts
Reading, Twitpics, AI Season 9
Reading Across America
‘American Idol’: David Archuleta as Dr. Seuss for Read Across America
By Andrea Reiher
Could “American Idol” runner-up David Archuleta be any cuter?
Tuesday, March 2 is the National Education Association’s 13th annual Read Across America day. The NEA chose this particular date because it is Dr. Seuss’s birthday.
David Archuleta is getting in the action, tweeting,”Today’s Read Across America! Volunteer to help encourage kid to read books! Happy Birthday Dr. Suess! My favorite author as a kid!” and “Going to read at an elementary school! 4th grade classes haha :).”
Archie also posted the following Twitpics

3 March
ZAP 2NEWS & Buzz
‘American Idol’ Top 10 men: Lee Dewyze, Michael Lynche shine
By Andrea Reiher
The two best performances of the night book-ended the “American Idol” Season 9 Top 10 men — Michael Lynche and Lee Dewyze.
The Top 10 men were 100% better than last week. Of course, that’s like saying something is 100% better than being punched in the face. Still, good for the guys — they didn’t get down-in-the-mouth after last week’s harsh criticism. Instead, they came back with a vengeance and, well, it’s better. It’s still not great, but there is hope. So, in our order from best to worst, here are your Top 10 men:
No. 1 Michael Lynche
No. 2 Lee Dewyze
No. 3 Alex Lambert
No. 4 Andrew Garcia
No. 5 Aaron Kelly
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Justin Bieber met Motown? Here it is with Aaron Kelly doing “My Girl” by the Temptations. Aaron took out the great falsetto parts like on “So much honey” and gave the song a very bland feel, though it was still a solid vocal in the first half. The second half had some rough spots, particularly the one falsetto part he didn’t quite reach. However, there was no emotion there. Aaron might just be too young. He doesn’t connect with the music or the audience and it’s because he has this great instrument and no idea what to do with it. He was all over the place Tuesday.
Simon agrees with me, but he knows it’s futile to criticize Aaron at this point because he’s adorable and will sail through. He’s David Archuleta minus Archie’s incredible voice. Just btw, Aaron pulls his own Pam Beezley in the clip from backstage last week when Simon compliments him and he gets so flustered that he turns back to the camera all, “What was the question?” It’s cute.
No. 6 Todrick Hall
No. 7 John Park
No. 8 Jermaine Sellers
No. 9 Tim Urban
No. 10 Casey James
blogs, vids, VIPs
2 March
David Archuleta’s leaked single? Or just a leftover from his first album!
Great Fan Videos

Human Interest
David and Dr Seuss
2 March
David and Dr Seuss
Reading Across America
MTV News – Jim Cantiello
Let’s play Where’s Waldo? Except instead of Waldo, find the 19 year old. (Harder than u think.) http://twitpic.com/168jpc 😉 and <3 and Aww!

5 March
Mormon Times
Inside the life of a songwriter
By Nicole Sheahan

Twelve-year-old Richard Parkinson wanted to impress a cute girl in his eighth grade class. So what did he do? He wrote her a song, of course.
“I worked really hard to make that song as good as I could and then played it in front of the whole student body. I thought it might impress her so much that she might ‘go with me’ (I think that was the term back then). It did make an impression on her — she didn’t talk to me for about six weeks. I didn’t write any more songs for girls, at least not for a while,” Parkinson said.
Parkinson’s inspiration for his songs has expanded since then to everything around him. He sees song potential in everything.
“I imagine I look around at the world a little differently than most. I try to listen, to really hear what is going on around me. Sometimes it’s something little like the precious laugh of a child, or how they smile when you give them a cookie, or how the bird outside pretends he doesn’t see you, but we all know that he can. My own personal motto as a writer is ‘THAT could be a song,’ because I think anything can become something interesting in a song, as long as it exists and you can find a way to put a cool twist to it.”
Parkinson not only sees song potential in everything, but he also sees great potential in every songwriter. As the Salt Lake/Provo chapter president of NSAI (Nashville Songwriters Association International), Parkinson meets monthly with local songwriters and gives valuable feedback to help them strengthen their songs.
“I try to be there to support and lift and love each writer to their potential,” he said. “There is so much talent in our area and I sincerely hope that everyone finds their place with that talent and prospers.”
Parkinson’s talents expand from songwriting to arranging and producing. He recently co-produced and arranged three songs (with Sam Cardon) on David Archuleta’s Christmas from the Heart album.
“I have actually worked with David for about four years, performing with him all over the place, and this was the culmination of a lot of hard work and sacrifice. David is an amazing talent, an even better person, and I’ll say what I’ve heard said by many. He deserves everything that comes his way.”
Parkinson is grateful to get to do what he loves. It’s an incredible feeling to know you can make someone else’s day a little brighter through a song you’ve created.
pikepss’ Pick of the Week
Somos El Mundo – David’s Solo
Did you have any doubt what my pick would be this week!

DA Weekly Buzz about David Archuleta!