David signs his nameMany celebrities don’t sign autographs at all. And many who do, scribble it so fast—and illegibly—you might as well go to your doctor and get him to sign your celeb photo! Not so with David Archuleta! David takes care to write his name well. Once I saw him change from a black Magic Marker to a silver pen when he noticed that he was being asked to write on black paper. How thoughtful!
During the 2008 American Idol summer tour, David spent hours in the burning heat to meet his fans. It was the first time he actually knew he had so many. I think he will remember that summer all his life. I know the fans will! After you meet David, it isn’t the autograph or CD or t-shirt that you cherish. What you will cherish forever is simply the feeling of calm as you stand in the circle that includes David Archuleta. Amid the whirlwind of a concert tour, he stands with you for a moment in time.
Photo of this week is…!
Here is David Archuleta meeting fans during the 2008 AI summer tour. I wonder if he has ever counted how many times he has written his name.
Masterclass Lady knows her business and definitely knows David Archuleta! Here’s an excerpt from her blog today:
A Masterclass Plea To the American Idol Judges: Please – No More Comparisons!
“Personally, I have had my fill of pointless comparisons of this year’s crop of singers to those who have previously competed on American Idol. I know I have stated that Seasons 5 and 7 were exceptional seasons and difficult to capture on a yearly basis, but, except for one instance (Siobhan/Adam), I have attempted to stay away from comparing the Season 9 singers to those that came before them.
“What’s the point? The majority of the time, these comparisons fall flat and put extra pressure on the Season 9 singers.
“The most ludicrous comparison has been the suggestion that Aaron Kelly is a replication of Season 7 Top 2 finalist, David Archuleta. Look, I think Aaron is a very musical and hard-working young musician, possessing great potential in his future performing career.
“But, David Archuleta came to the Season 7 competition equipped with skills that were very advanced and extremely refined, plus he knew how to select songs that captured his unique and creative performing style. I have never seen a young singer so prepared and so confident for the huge opportunity presented to him by American Idol….”
Here are some cute comments from a few sources in the media about American Idol’s top 11 performances! Quite a buzz about David Archuleta, as it should be, but the one I loved the most is Jim Cantiello from MTV News. He is seriously one of the funniest guys I have ever had the pleasure to read and watch. Enjoy his video below, he apparently has no voice—wink, wink—yet he does say something!!!!!
Word of warning to Seacrest, however — you might want to quit with the David Archuleta comparisons. I know I was on Team Cook in season 7, but if we’re comparing vocal firepower here, Archie owns Aaron like Oprah Winfrey owns, well, everything.
Aaron Kelly – “I Don’t Want to Miss A Thing” by Aerosmith
Aaron has a huge crush on Miley, and it’s adorable because he’s only 16 and he’s allowed to be attracted to her. (If any other contestant were that tickled to get a hug from the teen star, they’d come across like a total creeper.) David Cook memorably sang “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” back during Season 7 (it was even the producer’s pick!). Aaron’s could never measure up to Cook’s version, even if his country-leaning voice does give it a different dimension. He does a decent enough job considering he’s been sick, but does Aaron’s voice even matter? He’ll drift along until the little girls at home change their votes for more competent performers closer to the Top 5. Also, Ryan calls Aaron “David Archuleta” while giving out his Idol digits, but it’s an unfair comparison: Archie always had extremely polished vocals (don’t tell us you don’t still get the shakes when you hear his gorgeous take on “Imagine”), and Aaron has yet to convince us he’s anything more than a high school talent show performer.
Jim Cantiello Video
MTV News
‘American Idol’ Recap: Michael Lynche Loves A Woman, Crystal Bowersox Parties With Bobby McGee
by Jim Cantiello in Music, Television
Expectations are now so low on this season of “American Idol” that when news broke that Miley Cyrus was going to “mentor” the Top 11 as they sang “Teen Idol Hits No Wait Billboard #1 Hits No Wait Both Maybe,” I shrugged and said, “Eh, they’ve had worse.” (I’m still laughing at producers for letting Jennifer Lopez give singing tips to Melinda Doolittle.) Looking back on my reaction, I now see I was dead wrong.
Miley Cyrus is a genius mentor for the season nine contestants. The best lesson these kids could learn is how to become uber-famous performers with limited vocal abilities. Who knows that better than Miley Cyrus?
Tuesday night’s (March 23) show opened with the Top 11 nervously standing on stage while Ryan Seacrest’s giant face appeared behind them on a massive monitor borrowed from 1984. (That number works as both a reference to George Orwell’s classic and perfectly encapsulates the year most of Tuesday night’s performances could have taken place. Fun fact to make some of you feel really old: In 1984, Kris Allen had not yet been born. You’re welcome.) It’s an important week, as the person eliminated this week won’t be going on tour with the Top 10, so the stakes are extra high.
Seacrest then introduced Miley, a 17-year-old with “a lifetime of experience” who instantly rubbed me the wrong way when she said she’d seen some episodes this season and knew the contestants could sing. (Which episodes did you watch, Miley? Better question: What drugs did you take before you watched said episode? Best question: Can your supplier make weekly house calls Tuesday nights in New York?)
Okay, enough jibber jabber. I’m starting to sound like Miley! On with the performances!
Aaron Kelly
Song: “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith
Verdict: I Don’t Miss Your Voice
Little Aaron Kelly has a crush on Miley Cyrus (his wandering eyes towards Hannah’s Montanas proved this). But puppy love was the least of Aaron’s ailments, as the poor thing lost his voice thanks to laryngitis and tonsillitis! (Yet Ryan ineptly wrote his questions on a piece of paper for Aaron, as if Seacrest was the one who couldn’t speak. Reminder: This is the guy who tried to high-five a blind man.) Aaron powered through his performance and his voice held up pretty well, all things considered. My favorite moment was the end of the bridge, where his “end of tiiiiiiiiime” power note morphed into “tiiiiiii-ouch!” Actually, scratch that. My favorite moment was when Ryan Seacrest called Aaron “David Archuleta.” The name is Countryleta, Seacrest, and you’re not allowed to call him that until he stops singing like a wheezing goat! Don’t you dare soil the name of ArchuAwesome!
What did you think of the Top 11? How was Miley’s performance as a mentor? How was Miley’s chewing gum’s performance as a mentor? Did you spit take when Crystal asked Miley to sign her guitar of “beautiful powerful women,” and did you notice that Crystal had a new un-signed guitar for her performance? Did the autograph incident make Miley cooler or Crystal lamer?
David Archuleta received an interesting Twitter last night from Reinaldo Irizarry, Los Angeles fashion stylist from A List International Magazine!!! A new photo shoot in the works? Since David’s new single should be out shortly, I think some new glorious photos of him would definitely be appropriate. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that it happens soon!
@DavidArchie How long will you be in LA? Would love to do a photo shoot & interview for @ALIST_INTL
about 5 hours ago via Tweetie in reply to DavidArchie
Reinaldo Irizarry is a fashion stylist who has worked with celebrities, fashion houses, beauty firms, advertising agencies, and magazine editors throughout the United States, Jamaica, and Mexico. He began his fashion career as a visual merchandiser for Saks Fifth Avenue, where he then became the head of fashion show production.
“As one of the two creators of A-LIST INTERNATIONAL, he currently sits as the Creative Director of the magazine, bringing his exceptional creativity, style and editorial expertise to every issue of this publication. Reinaldo has also served as a style expert in a variety of TV programs featuring fashion and design. He is the talent behind the TV, print, advertising campaigns, and the fashion shows for a variety of prominent clients.
It was a few minutes before American Idol began last night and I started to reflect back to Season 7 when David Archuleta sang “The Long and Winding Road” from Beatles week. Tension was in the air as he began to sing as the previous week was a little shaky. Sure he missed a lyric, but all in all at least he hummed on key!! The minute David started to sing we knew we had nothing to worry about. He nailed the song and gave us a masterpiece performance that stunned the judges and proved why he was there in the first place.
The long and winding road to his career was in place and we will forever follow his lead!!! Listen to his top 11 performance and judge for yourself if this season’s Idols fail to compare!