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David Archuleta Weekly Wrapup

4 April 2010




pikepss Weekly on David Archuleta

Good morning Honeybees and fans!

Excitement is in the air! David Archuleta has scheduled book signing appearances on the East Coast and other locations. As we continue to watch American Idol we realize just how much we miss David and were spoiled by the Season 7 talent. A halftime appearance at a Utah football game will help many with their ODD. David’s Twitter followers keep rising. A charity auction will end on April 5th and bumper stickers for another cause can be had for a few dollars.

As this will be my last posting for Weekly Wrapup I want to thank many Honeybees and fans for their positive comments over the last several months and hope you enjoyed my impression of David’s week. I wish everyone a safe and Happy Easter!


David Archuleta’s Cousin In The Hospital
by Disney Dreaming
March 31, 2010

David Archuleta Tweeted that his cousin David is in the hospital, and that he would appreciate it if his fans could pray for him.

“Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time. …and tribulations, we are given them to learn, grow, and help others progress.”

“My cousin David is about to go into surgery. He got into a bad car wreck. If you could help pray for him I’d appreciate it a ton!”

We hope he’s ok!

Idol News Roundup for Tuesday, March 30th
Seattle Times by Nina Pardo

My personal advice is that no one dare touch “Shop Around” tonight (or any night for that matter). It doesn’t get any better than David Archuleta from Season 7 Can I admit here that I still have this performance saved on TiVo?

We hope you’ll check back here this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. Pacific (8:00 p.m. Eastern) for live-blogging of tonight’s Top 10 singing R&B hits with Usher as mentor. Who do you think is going home this week?

Top 10 Idol Sellers

#10 David Archuleta (Season 7): 962,000 albums sold. David is pictured here onstage at the Nokia Theatre L.A. Live in LA on July 17, 2009

David Archuleta at Nokia Theatre, LA, 17 July 2009 One of American Idol’s youngest competitors to date, David Archuleta, came close to becoming the seventh “American Idol” in 2008, but narrowly lost out to David Cook. As America has seen, however, his second place finish didn’t stop “Archie” from making it big. The singer released his self-titled debut album shortly after the show in 2008, featuring romantic ballads like “Crush” and “To Be with You.” It went gold within several months. The sweet and talented David has since sold a total of 962,000 albums. Like fellow “Idol” star Clay Aiken, Archuleta also released a Christmas album, which he titled, Christmas from the Heart in 2009.

American Idol judges say Didi Benami not worth saving
by Barb M
1 April

Last night’s American Idol results show was one of the weirdest ones yet. They forego the usual performance as a group to focus more attention on the judges. Given the rumors circulating about Simon possibly leaving at the end of American Idol’s ninth season, I do not think it is a good idea to focus more on the judges.

I think the attention should shift away from the judges and back on the contestants, where it belongs….

The second season winner and runner-up, Ruben and Clay, and season seven’s winner and runner-up, David Cook and David Archuleta, were the best so far in the history of American Idol.

Read entire article.

Top 9 Analysis: Or why Season 7 Was The Best Season Ever
Idolwild 2010
2 April

Lennon-McCartney songbook? Again? REALLY?

This week is going to suck hardcore, mainly because the BEST SEASON EVER had two weeks filled with the Lennon-McCartney classics, and had various other takes on the songbook that have gone down in Idol history as the greatest performances of all time. Carly Smithson’s Come Together was arguably the best female vocal of all time; David Cook made his original case for the crown with his swagger-filled version of Eleanor Rigby; and David Archuleta’s Imagine may well be the best performance on the show of all-time. Really, the producers are just setting these kids up for failure.

Read the rest.


29 March

DavidArchie – The dolphins were really riding the waves this morning. Really cool to watch!
DavidArchie – Off to another meeting.
DavidArchie – Had a great time at dinner tonight. I seriously and truly have been filled haha. Good stuff/

30 March

DavidArchie – Off on a little trip today.
DavidArchie – I’ve made a new friend. Her name is Taco and she’s a chubby little chihuahua.
DavidArchie – Aw haha, a guy just proposed to his girlfriend at the restaurant we’re at. He announced it to everyone here. Congrats to them!
DavidArchie – So I ended up singing for the couple lol. It was nice.

31 March

DavidArchie – My cousin David is about to go into surgery. He got into a bad car wreck. If you could help pray for him I’d appreciate it a ton!
DavidArchie – Doing some research and visiting museums to find out more about my family’s history in a city started by my ancestors. It’s cool!

1 April

DavidArchie – April Fools Day…I never got into this holiday. Going to Google this morning and seeing Topeka really confused me though lol.
DavidArchie – So it looks like I’m in Vegas for today lol. Going to try and meet up with more family who live here!

robot image of Tweet

2 April

DavidArchie – Having no baggage to check makes checking in at the airport a lot faster.
DavidArchie – Back in Utah! With snowy white mountains.
DavidArchie – Had a great meal with the family! Now in a jam session experimenting with some new song ideas!
DavidArchie – Update on my cousin: he’s finished going through surgery on his back and arm, and both surgeries went well. Thanks so much for your prayers!
DavidArchie – Looking forward to a great time with my family this weekend! Hope everyone has an awesome Easter weekend!!


Halftime – Blaze Football Game, Friday April 9
Salt Lake City, Utah

Book sales
1 April – Update

Product Details
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Celebra Hardcover (June 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0451230183
ISBN-13: 978-0451230188
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
Amazon.com Sales Rank: #21,255 in Books
Popular in these categories:
#4 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Arts & Literature > Composers & Musicians > Pop
#18 in Books > Entertainment > Music > Musical Genres > Popular
#23 in Books > Entertainment > Pop Culture > Music

USA Idol Chatter
2 April

First line from Chords of Strength

Here’s the first line from David Archuleta’s Chords of Strength: A Memoir of Soul, Song, and the Power of Perseverance, due from Celebra on June 1 and available for pre-order now.

“I have no idea why I’m doing this, but I know I need to be doing it for some reason.”

First Book Signing Dates

Bookends – Tuesday,  June 1, 7:00PM
Ridgewood, New Jersey

Borders – Wednesday, June 2, 7:00PM
New York, New York

Barnes & Noble – Saturday, June 5, 2:00PM
Mall of America
Bloomington, Minnesota

Fans & Fan Sites

29 March
Angels for a Cause – Plane to Haiti Charity Auction ends at 10pm EST/7pm PST on Monday, April 5.

Opening bid starts at $75.00 with bidding increments of $5.00 or more.

Auction package includes the following items—highest winning bid wins all six.

  • Three 12×18 graphic posters
  • One window decal
  • One David Archuleta 2010 calendar
  • One photograph signed by David. All photographs by Jennifer Barry.

Winning bidder must donate the exact amount of the winning bid within 24 hours directly to http://www.planetohaiti.org and in the comments of their donation write “POTC Charity Poster Fundraiser,” so it can be identified by www.wheelchair.org. Shortly after you make your donation the Wheelchair Foundation will email you a receipt. Please email a copy to angels4acause@yahoo.com.

Time clock that we will end auction by can be found at:


30 March
FOD Poll

Fans Want Medium-Paced Pop/Soul Song for Single!

Twitter Followers Update

Twitter count of 339,884 followers for David Archuleta

31 March

Miss Peru International 2010

Crush is playing in the background!

Pike’s Pick

Bumper Stickers

DA Weekly Buzz about David Archuleta!

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David Archuleta – Update! Book Signing Dates

2 April 2010



Hopefully more book tour dates will be coming in!

enlargeDavid Archuleta book signing at New Jersey BookendsRidgewood, New Jersey – Tuesday, June 1st @ 7:00PM – Bookends

enlargeadvert about David Archuleta's book signing at Borders BookstoreNew York, New York – Wednesday, June 2nd @ 7:00PM – Borders

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This Post has earned 3 Buzzes. Crazy! Somebody Out There, Save the Day

David Archuleta – First Book Signing Date – Barnes & Noble

2 April 2010



Finally! June 5, 2010

Barnes and Noble book signing

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David Archuleta’s stream of consciousness

2 April 2010



Brian Mansfield of USA Today gives us a sneak preview of David Archuleta’s memoir, Chords of Strength, A Memoir of Soul, Song, and the Power of Perseverance, to be released from Celebra on June 1.

Don’t get too excited. It’s only the first line, but what a teaser! It sounds very stream of consciousness to me, kinda like Hemingway. Simple, direct, without guile. I think by the time I finish reading the first page, I’ll know exactly why David Archuleta wanted to write this book.

“I have no idea why I’m doing this, but I know I need to be doing it for some reason.”

Pre-order your copy today on Amazon.com!

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This Post has earned 1 Buzz. Will you Stand by Me and Think of Me

Photo of the Week

2 April 2010



David with famous guitarThis week I decided to use a photo of David at the taping of his first video “Crush.” I have just happened to be at several places at the right time this week when “Crush” was played on the radio. It always makes me feel great when I hear this song and I still enjoy my ring tone of “Crush” on my cell. David looks wonderful in red. He brings out the true color making it more vibrant. It gives a new meaning to the color red, almost a new color for the senses. But that’s what David does with most things he touches. A song, a smile, or a quote, David just gets to the heart of them and brings out their true meaning.

Photo of this week is…!

David posing with the guitar from the “Crush” video…hey they should auction off that guitar. Shoot, I’d place a bid for the red tee as well. haha.

David at taping of the "Crush" video

  • Photo Credit: fan photo archive

Did you miss last week’s Photo of the Week?

David Archuleta, a Photographer’s Dream

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