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David Archuleta sings “Imagine” tonight!

7 April 2010



Finally, the suspense is over. We know that David Archuleta will sing “Imagine” on American Idol tonight. But questions still remain. Will David sing the full version, about three or four minutes? Will he accompany himself on piano? Or, will it be an acoustic guitar accompaniment?

Stay tuned tonight at 9 on Fox TV! Or, watch a live stream on TVPC!

David Archuleta singing the full version of “Imagine” at the Hollywood Tree Lighting ceremony, 6 December 2008

The late, great Eva Cassidy singing “Imagine”

John Lennon singing an acoustic version of “Imagine”

John Lennon’s piano version


by John Lennon

Imagine there’s no Heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one

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Earth quaking in Utah!

6 April 2010



Earthquake Preparedness Week in Utah Be Ready logoGary R. Herbert, Governor of Utah, has declared April 4-10 as Earthquake Preparedness Week. Utah has experienced damaging earthquakes in the past and is a seismically active region. The slogan for earthquake preparedness is “Be Ready Utah.”

Well, I would like to warn the good folks of Utah that the ground is gonna start shaking this week during Earthquake Preparedness Week. David Archuleta, citizen of quake country, is himself a force of Nature. Be ready, be prepared. Alert the Salt Lake airport that David Archuleta will be flying to Los Angeles. His appearance tomorrow on American Idol to sing his soulful, Eva Cassidy-inspired version of “Imagine” will start seismic activity over the City of Angels, which will spread rapidly eastward.

By Friday, April 9, David, the Quaker, will fly back to SLC to perform during halftime at the UT Blaze game at the E Center. Alert the airport and E Center security teams.

So, “Be Ready Utah.” Be very ready! The next 72 hours will tell whether your emergency plan was sufficient to the task.

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Type Bee: Top Five

6 April 2010



Recently, David Archuleta tweeted, “It’d be cool to learn how to surf.” That got me thinking. Surfing, Southern California, Beach Boys! Then I started surfing—web-style!— and to my surprise, I found an old Beach Boys song that made me wonder how many songs have been written about cities. Here’s a completely random list of five songs about cities with links to lyrics, audio, and video where available. You’ll be surprised by No. 1.

NOTE: The ‘lyrics’ links open in the same browser window; hit the Back button to return here. Or, you could right click on ‘lyrics’ and select “open in new tab” in most browsers.

On the Lala.com audio, you can hear one full-length preview per song. Thereafter, only a 0:30 clip will play for free.

Top Five Songs about Cities

5. “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra
Lyrics  YouTube
4. “Allentown” by Billy Joel
Lyrics  Listen
3. “Youngstown” by Bruce Springsteen
Lyrics  Listen
2. “Amarillo by Morning” by George Strait
Lyrics  Listen  YouTube
1. “Salt Lake City” by the Beach Boys
Lyrics  Listen  YouTube

If David Archuleta ever writes a song about his hometown in the beautiful, majestic Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah, I don’t think it will sound like surf music, but I know the kids will ‘dig it’.


Now make a beeline to the previous “Type Bee”.

Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta

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This Post has earned 4 Buzzes. Crazy! Somebody Out There, Save the Day

Rihanna, David Archuleta, Jason Derulo To Perform On ‘American Idol’

5 April 2010



Wow! What wonderful news! It had better be true. According to MTV and other entertainment news sources, David Archuleta will sing “Imagine” on Wednesday night’s American Idol results program. Awesome!

Fox announced Monday (April 5) that this week’s results program, airing Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET, will feature performances by Rihanna, singing "Te Amo"; Jason Derülo, singing "In My Head"; and season-seven runner-up David Archuleta, performing Lennon’s "Imagine."

While this is the first appearance on the wildly popular show for Rihanna and Derülo, 19-year-old Archuleta is of course most widely known for his run on the program, making his mark during season seven with his showcase performance of John Lennon’s famous solo hit.

The song, in fact, became a calling card of sorts for the then-17-year-old crooner, who first performed it in only his second week on the show. At the time, his rendition of the tune catapulted him to front-runner status, leaving then-judge Paula Abdul teary-eyed and igniting a wellspring of support. Archuleta made it all the way to the final show, failing only to beat rival David Cook.

Rihanna, Derülo and Archuleta are the latest high-profile singers to be featured on Idol this year, following performances from Diddy-Dirty Money and Usher last week and Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas the week before.

via Rihanna, David Archuleta, Jason Derulo To Perform On ‘American Idol’.

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Song of the Week

5 April 2010



Songs I have a problem, and other David Archuleta fans have shared that they too suffer from the same thing! It seems that when we hear David sing a song that was a big hit by another singer, we immediately like David’s version better than the original.

So many times when I hear a popular song on the radio, all I can think of is David and how much I love the way he sings the song. This has happened at work, in an elevator, at the doctor’s office, even the grocery store. When I turn the car radio on and I hear these songs, I always wish it was David’s version that was playing. David has a way of taking the song and making it sound wonderful by adding his own style and emotion. After hearing him, all other versions are ruined. I only want to hear David sing them.

David makes a song his own. He owns songs like these: “Angels,” “Apologize,” “The Riddle,” “Fields of Gold,” and “Bubbly.” Many pop songs made famous by other artists have been made new again by the original, one-of-a-kind vocals of David Archuleta. With that in mind,

The Song of the Week is…

“A Thousand Miles”

“A Thousand Miles” was a breakthrough single for Vanessa Carlton when it was released in February 2002. It was one of the most popular songs of that year.

  • Written by American singer Vanessa Carlton for her 2002 debut album, Be Not Nobody
  • Co-produced and arranged by Carlton and Ron Fair
  • Recorded by A & M Records

“A Thousand Miles” is a piano-driven pop song about longing for that special someone and wanting to be with them so badly, that you would do whatever it takes to make that happen, even walking a thousand miles!

An early video of David performing “A Thousand Miles” before he was a contestant on American Idol.

David’s studio version of “A Thousand Miles,” recorded as part of a ‘Fan-pack’ that could be purchased through i-Tunes last year.

David performing “A Thousand Miles” ‘live’ in Northampton, Massachusetts, on March 2, 2009. I was at this concert and it was the first time I had the pleasure of hearing David perform the song. As you will see, the audience loved him. I think we would have all walked ‘A Thousand Miles’ that day just to hear him sing! 😉

Hope everyone has a nice week!
Take care,

Listen to Song of Last Week.

David Archuleta, the Voice

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