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Happy Birthday, Lupe Archuleta!

9 April 2010



¡Feliz cumpleaños, Lupe!

Happy Birthday cupcakes

Wisdom for the ages:

  • May you live all the days of your life. – Jonathan Swift
  • And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. – Abraham Lincoln
  • We turn not older with years, but newer every day. – Emily Dickinson
  • Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. — Jack Benny

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Photo of the Week

9 April 2010



Imagine! David Archuleta appeared on American Idol Wednesday, 7 April, to sing the same song he had performed during Beatles week when he was a contestant two years ago. It was the same song, but what a difference two years makes in the life of this vocal virtuoso. David’s rendition of “Imagine” by John Lennon was superb! Every time David sings this song, he connects with it on another level.

Photo of this week is…!

David Archuleta’s Grand performance of “Imagine,” 7 April 2010

David Archuleta performs "Imagine" 7 April 2010, American Idol TV

  • Photo Credit: American Idol photo

Did you miss last week’s Photo of the Week?

David Archuleta, a Photographer’s Dream

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David Archuleta’s Mop Top

8 April 2010



Guest starring on American Idol last night to perform John Lennon’s “Imagine,” David Archuleta had a couple of good ideas. First, he played the piano himself. He looked like a well-seasoned artist sitting at the grand piano giving a ‘command performance’ worthy of a king.

Second, he wore the former Beatles’ haircut, the mop top. It gave his appearance even more gravitas.

John Lennon of The Beatles, circa 1965David Archuleta, Guest Performer, American Idol, 7 April 2010

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Music Beat

8 April 2010



Music Biz

iPad DJ

enlargeApple iPad with 9.7-inch diagonal displayApple’s new iPad could boost interactive music, according to Wired.com. Rj Voyager is a free app for iPad from Reality Digital that lets you modify the pre-selected music as if you were a sound engineer. For example, if the album David Archuleta was available, instead of just listening, you could create live mixes for a party — or pretend you are a DJ in the sound studio working with the artist himself!

No More Music

Half a world away, human beings have a different view of music. On April 3 Islamic fundamentalists in Somalia ordered radio stations to stop playing music. They have ten days to comply. What will happen if they don’t? Well, at least one station, Radio Mogadishu, will continue to transmit programs independent of the Islamists’ bans. “Radio Mogadishu is expected to become even more popular, especially if the dozen independent broadcasters in the city stop playing music,” Hassanow Qalli, a resident of Mogadishu who has been involved in Somali folk dances and cultural displays, told the Nation. Radio Mogadishu stores a repository of the country’s cultural heritage, including folk songs and patriotic tunes.

MORE: All Africa

Kris Allen and David Cook in Africa

Both Allen and Cook returned from recent goodwill trips to Africa. Allen brought TOMS shoes to Rwanda, while Cook was in Ethiopia to help increase awareness of the plight of young women. Cook’s trip to Ethiopia will be featured on the upcoming “Idol Gives Back”; the April 22 telecast may also include more of Allen’s trip to Haiti last February.

MORE: Top Idol Blog

Buzz Board

Global Trends in Music

It didn’t take a global survey to tell me that the undisputed number 1 passion in the world is—music! But the survey has a few other facts that might be hard for the Somali Islamists to accept.

The study’s highlights:

  • The majority of people (63%) consider themselves passionate about music.
  • Only 6% of people around the world say they ‘couldn’t care less’ about music.
  • One third of Americans (read, “Honeybees!”) would ‘give anything’ to meet their music idols.
  • Most people do purchase their music legally and legal mobile downloads are beginning to take off.
  • An overall 16% of people bought a live music / concert DVD in the past 12 months.
  • Almost one third of people globally (31%) said they’d buy a product that is endorsed by their favorite artist / band.

Steve Garton, global head of media research for Synovate, said: “Since the beginning of humankind, there has been a passion for music. From the primitive beating of drums, to even before we are born when we’re already used to the steady beat of our mother’s heart, we are programmed to have a passion for music.”

MORE: Global survey about music trends

¡Más Música!

The Billboard Latin Music Conference and Awards draws together top artists and business executives for a four-day discussion and celebration of all things Latin. It runs April 26-29 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and confirmed panelists and speakers include Marc Anthony, Aventura and Universal Music Latin America chairman/CEO Jesús López.

Meat Loaf on Simon Cowell

No, I’m not going to throw a meat loaf on Simon Cowell, I’m just quoting Mr. Michael Lee Aday, AKA Meat Loaf, about Mr. Cowell. Perfectly civil.

American rocker, Michael Lee Aday, better known as Meat Loaf“…I’m doing my bit to save real music. Too many singers are famous on the back of one or two songs. We’re not producing enough artists – that’s killing music. Simon Cowell is a smart man and I salute his success, but he’s not creating artists. He’s creating people who can sing decent cover versions. He has the power to reinvent the music business. He could help take it back to the proper music we had in the Sixties, Seventies and Eighties. Someone needs to save music. It’s like saving the whales. I’ll do my bit, but we need to work together.”

MORE: Daily Mail

Way-back Machine

Did you know that Elvis Presley never won a Grammy for a Pop, Rock ‘n’ Roll or R&B song? His three Grammy Awards were all for Gospel songs.

  1. Best Sacred Performance 1967 for the album How Great Thou Art, which sold over a million copies and reached #18 in the Top Albums chart.
  2. Best Inspirational Performance 1972 for his album He Touched Me.
  3. Best Inspirational Performance 1974 for his live version of “How Great Thou Art” from the album Elvis Recorded Live On Stage in Memphis.

In 1971 the Academy granted Elvis its Lifetime Achievement Award. Elvis was just 36 years old.

Music Beat Buzz

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MasterClass Lady on David Archuleta

7 April 2010



MasterClass Lady says it better than I ever could. “Vocal prodigy, David Archuleta, made another triumphant return to the American Idol stage during Season 9’s Top 9 Results Show on April 7th.”

I was so happy to see David at the piano during tonight’s performance of his masterful “Imagine” written by John Lennon and inspired by Eva Cassidy. And his new haircut reminds me a little bit of my own Beatlemania days!

Read in full: MasterClass Lady says it better than I ever could.

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