OK, a couple of things are bugging me today. Well, longer than a day, but today’s the day that I am going to break my silence.
Twitter’s 140-word limit!

Come on, Twitter! I know you have a corner on brevity, but pleeeze, I have more to say to David Archuleta. He has written his soon-to-be-published memoir and I want to tell him about my own memoir. Click on the graphic and you’ll see how far I got on Twitter. The 140 character message limit is based on the limit of 160 characters imposed by the SMS on mobile phones, plus a little extra for your name. Recently, though, Twitter sometimes automatically adds an ellipsis (…) to a longer message and links to the full tweet. But…not all the time.
What gives? Twitter is the only direct connection most of us fans have to David Archuleta. Well, I snooped—I Googled—and yes!, there is a way to bypass the Twitter character limit! Get ready, DavidArchie, you might receive a rather long ‘memoir tweet’ from a certain Honeybee. Say, around June 1, when your own memoir is published.
Follow DA Honeybees on Twitter
How to write a longer Tweet
- Load twitter.com. Disable Javascript, reload the page. You’ll notice that the character counter disappears. That’s it!
- The geeky approach using Linux command line: curl -u username:pass -d “status=your long tweet…” http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml
SOURCE: Thanks to Thought Pick.
IMDb‘s insistence that Jeff Archuleta is David Archuleta’s father!
Will somebody please correct this error? I would do it myself, but only IMDb members can edit an IMDb entry.
On David Archuleta’s bio page, David’s dad is correctly listed as James Jeffrey Archuleta & his mom as Xiomara Guadalupe Mayorga. And it says his father is a jazz musician. So far, so good.
Then there’s this: “Son of Jeff Archuleta” with a link to Jeff Archuleta! This Jeff is “an experienced & resourceful film maker…and a graduate of Colorado Institute [of] Art with a degree in Music Production & Recording Engineering.” Huh? This Jeff was “born July 6, 1961, married Xiomara Guadalupe Mayorga on 19 Dec 1988, and has five children.” I don’t think so.
The entry also says his birth name is Jeff C. Archuleta. I Googled “Jeff C. Archuleta” and found this:
Jeff C. Archuleta directed a 30 minute experimental short called Tangents: The Voices In My Head starring and written by [Colorado] actor Amy Rome. Tangents explored the inner turmoil of a female torn by unrealistic body image expectations, drug abuse, dysfunctional relationships—all culminating in implied abstraction of suicide and the very idea of what it is to be alive yet dead inside.
SOURCE: http://www.experimentalfilmchannel.com/
Does this sound like David’s father Jeff to you? Please, will someone who is registered at IMDb correct this? The IMDb is a volunteer effort, but this error has been on record for at least a year and a half when I first noticed it.
Amazon.com, which purchased IMDb in 1998, uses the movie database website as an advertising resource for selling DVDs and videotapes. IMDb also ranks its entries’ popularity. Today David Archuleta is up by 32 percent.
OK, I think I got rid of the bugs for today. Thanks for listening.

Now make a beeline to the previous “Type Bee”.
Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta