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David Archuleta, “To Be With You”

5 May 2010



“To Be With You” is my favorite song on David Archuleta’s album. And I know many others love it too. David himself recently tweeted that he overheard his song at a wedding party in a Los Angeles restaurant—it was the couple’s “first dance”.

I found this Pierce Brosnan video which uses this beautiful song to great effect. Have a listen:

Source: Thanks to Siberian4

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The David Archuleta Song of the Week

3 May 2010



SongsTwo years ago David Archuleta sang a song on American Idol, Season 7. It was a Broadway show tune and the perfect ballad for David’s beautiful tenor voice. I remember the mentor for that week was a bit surprised that David wanted to do the song, but in the end, it proved to be a good choice for him.

The Song of the Week is…

“Think of Me”

The song, “Think of Me,” was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber for the 1986 Broadway musical, Phantom of the Opera, which is based on the French novel Le Fantôme de l’Opéra by Gaston Leroux. The music was composed by Lloyd Webber, with lyrics written by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe. The main plot of the story revolves around a beautiful soprano, Christine Daaé, who becomes the obsession of a mysterious, disfigured musical genius known as The Phantom of the Opera.

Here is the original “Think of Me” from the Broadway musical, The Phantom of the Opera:

The Broadway show was made into a film in 2004, with actress Emily Rossum playing the part of Christine. Here is a scene from the movie The Phantom of the Opera, with Emily singing “Think of Me.”

Now David singing “Think of Me” for American Idol Season 7’s Top 6 performance. He did a great job keeping his eyes open…and listen to that ending!

Finally, a studio version of David singing “Think of Me.”  A truly beautiful rendition, in my opinion. Although it was written for a girl, David gives the song so much emotion and delivers such a believable performance, that I like his version the best!

Hoping you all have a nice week and as always, take care! 😉

Listen to Song of Last Week.

David Archuleta, the Voice

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This Post has earned 1 Buzz. Will you Stand by Me and Think of Me

DA David Archuleta Weekly Buzz

1 May 2010



DA week that was in the life of David Archuleta

Media   David’s World   Fandom

Follow links above to the relevant sections below.

Keeping up with the über-talented, awe-inspiring, world-travelling David Archuleta can be a full-time job. Even the most (D)avid fans among us don’t always have time to follow David. Here are some of last week’s top stories about the awesome David Archuleta.

Media Headlines

News, Reviews, and Interviews

Chart Watch Extra: American Idol’s Million-Sellers
by Paul Grein
30 April 2010

enlargeDavid Archuleta single, "Crush" cover artAccording to Yahoo Music’s Chart Watch, only twenty-six songs by an American Idol contestant have sold one million or more digital copies. Kelly Clarkson, winner of the first season, has eight of those songs. David Archuleta has the distinction of being the youngest Idol contestant to top 1 million. He was just 17 in November 2008 when “Crush” hit the million mark in downloads. “Crush,” number 8 on this Chart Watch list, has sold 1,918,000 to date. Dave Hodges, who co-wrote Clarkson’s “Because Of You,” also co-wrote this smash for David Archuleta. This was the first single from Archuleta’s eponymous debut album. Hot 100 peak: #2.

SOURCE: Yahoo Music’s Chart Watch Extra

David’s World

Blogs, Tweets, Appearances

Blogs and Vlogs

1 May 2010

David Archuleta posted a vlog entitled “May Day” from a dark and mysterious place! He talks about May Day and shares his excitement about his upcoming album.

23 April 2010

Have you read David Archuleta’s latest web log? The day after his BritWeek performance, he posted a blog.

music blog graphic for David Archuleta's blogs“I am checking in from LA today, and I’ve had some good writing sessions this week already. I worked with Guy Chambers, who wrote Angels with Robbie Williams, and Erika Nuri from The Writing Camp. I also had writing sessions last week with Sam Hollander and Sluggo, who my friend Travis from We The Kings actually told me about because he has worked a lot with them. I also worked with a bunch of other really great writers, who you’ve probably seen me talk about on Twitter. But I actually have another writing session today with the Nexus lol. And I’ll let you guys know how that goes too!…”

Join the Official David Archuleta Website and sign up to receive newsletter updates of his appearances, music, photos, blogs, and more.

Appearances – Recent & Future

  • 24 April, Attended the Japanese festival in Salt Lake with his family
  • 26 April, Caught Carly Smithson’s show in Salt Lake at the Saltair
  • 27 April – Present, Working on songwriting and recording in Los Angeles
  • 1 May, Visited the Marine Corps School of Infantry at Camp Pendleton. (Don’t sign up, David! Your fans will be happy to Photoshop a uniform on you, but just for fun!)
  • No further publicly-announced appearances, except for Book Signing Events in June (See next item.)

Chords of Strength Book Signing Tour

enlargeDavid Archuleta's first copy of his book, Chords of Strength, 30 April 2010On 15 April David Archuleta was at the Long Island, NY, printers when his book cover came off the press. Fifteen days later on 30 April he has the first copy of Chords of Strength in his hands! He shared this photo on Twitpix. Isn’t it exciting!? It’s a beautiful book. Chords of Strength will be available online and in bookstores on 1 June 2010. You can pre-order your copy for $14.49 today on Amazon.com. The price has dropped; if it drops again by release date, you’ll receive the lower price.

enlargeChords of Strength by David Archuleta, book cover

Book tour dates:
1 June – Bookends, Ridgewood, NJ
2 June – Borders, Manhattan, NY
3 June – Barnes & Noble, Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove, NY
5 June – Barnes & Noble, Mall of America, Bloomington, MN
7 June – Deseret Books, Salt Lake City, UT
8 June – Deseret Books, Orem, UT

DavidArchie on Twitter

Starting off the week, David Archuleta had a mini-tweet party which DAHoneybees happened to catch. It was fun ‘helping’ David choose a new Twitter photo. He said it had been a year since he changed the picture. Here are the before and after pictures. Sorry, the ‘old’ one is fuzzy, my bad!

David Archuleta twitter photo, orange bg   David Archuleta twitter photo, BritWeek

Monday, 26 April

Tuesday, 27 April

Wednesday, 28 April

Thursday, 29 April

Friday, 30 April

Saturday, 1 May

Follow David Archuleta on Twitter. He now has more than 364,000 followers, but who’s counting? —I am!!!


Blogs, Stories, Charities


On Newsstands Now!

enlargeDavid Archuleta "composite" magazine cover, planethunkerdownbeebee at Planet Hunkerdown has gone and done it again. Another magazine cover you must not miss. If it were on the newsstands today, well, it wouldn’t last long. They’d have to order more!

David Archuleta ABC Book

enlargeH as in Hungry, a David Archuleta ABC Book by BiancaAwesome fan and talented scrapbooker Bianca has added an “H” to her David Archuleta ABC Book. Let me see: is it ‘handsome,’ ‘hysterical,’ ‘holy’?? You can print a copy for free. Thanks, Bianca!

Popstar’s Fave Male Singer Award goes to…

Popstar.com—not affliated with Popstar! Magazine—is counting entries during the month of April. There are three ways to vote:

  1. Mail in the ballot from the May 2010 issue
  2. Send e-mail to Popstar@PopstarOnline.com
  3. Write a blog comment

Lots of ways to vote for David Archuleta! Currently, David has 32% of the votes, with Nick Jonas coming up at 27% and Justin Bieber at 19%.

VOTE!! VOTE!! VOTE!! for David Archuleta

Did you miss last week’s Weekly Wrap? If you’ve fallen far behind, you should seriously search the Archhives! It’s not too late to reclaim your status as a David Archuleta fanatic fan!

DA Weekly Buzz about David Archuleta!

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This Post has earned 1 Buzz. Will you Stand by Me and Think of Me

David Archuleta talks about May Day

1 May 2010



Hey, maybe my May Day flowers aren’t completely off-topic! Today on his video blog, David Archuleta talks about May Day! Yay!! Go May! And go David. Thanks for the vblog. We are waiting patiently for your sophomore pop album. It’s so great that you have more time this time to work on the songs. Don’t worry about your fans: we’ll soon have our noses in your book, Chords of Strength! haha!

David Archuleta’s vblog in a dark and mysterious location!

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This Post has earned 2 Buzzes. Crazy! Somebody Out There, Save the Day

‘Tis May, the lovely month of May!

1 May 2010



Bee Flower Basket in shape of cornucopia‘Tis the merrie, merrie month of May! It’s spring, my favorite time of year, and I want to wish all David Archuleta fans, friends, and family a lovely day…a lovely month. To celebrate I’ve decorated DA Buzzing with flowers and will keep them until after Mother’s Day. Also, please let me say “thank you” to those who have made purchases on Zazzle. Your purchases are, of course, private, so I cannot thank you personally. Zazzle only lets me know that a certain item has sold. Thank you so very much! And now, on with May Day celebrations!

I give you this poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

Hark! The sea-faring wild-fowl loud proclaim
My coming, and the swarming of the bees.
These are my heralds, and behold! my name
Is written in blossoms on the hawthorn-trees.
I tell the mariner when to sail the seas;
I waft o’er all the land from far away
The breath and bloom of the Hesperides,
My birthplace. I am Maia. I am May.

HW Longfellow (1807 – ’82); The Poet’s Calendar for May

Common Hawthorn Flowers are white The common hawthorn belongs to the rose family and produces its flowers in late spring in corymbs of 5-25 together. (A corymb is usually flat-topped flower cluster in which the individual flower stalks grow upward from various points of the main stem to approximately the same height.) The hawthorn’s fragrant blossom has five white petals and numerous red stamens. It is the official state flower of Missouri where more than 100 species grow.

Ever noticed how the maypole looks similar to DNA and with the alignment of the planets? Woooo! I get chills just thinkin’ about it!

maypole    Alignment of the Planets

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This Post has earned 5 Buzzes. Crazy! Somebody Out There, Save the Day