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David Archuleta Song of the Week

10 May 2010



SongsTell me why, oh why, this David Archuleta song didn’t become a major hit! I can’t seem to face the fact that I don’t understand the music business. I do know that this song is one of my favorites and not least of all because David Archuleta co-wrote it! When he performs it live, the lyrics come from his heart. And those high notes—OMG!!!

I just can’t figure it out! But I know I’ll never get tired of hearing this song, and I know I’m not on my own! But I’ll never understand why, oh why, it wasn’t a huge hit.

The Song of the Week is…

“A Little Too Not Over You”

Written by David Archuleta, Matthew Gerrard, Mike Krompass, and Robbie Nevil, “A Little Too Over You” was included on David Archuleta’s debut album in November 2008. It was released by Jive Records as the second single, after the hit “Crush”, on January 6, 2009. A total of 247,000 copies has been sold as of March 4, 2010. “ALTNOY” peaked at number 14 on the U.S. Billboard’s Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles chart.

“A Little Too Not Over You” was chosen for David’s second music video. The music vid was shot by Scott Speer, who also did Ashley Tisdale’s “He Said She Said” and Jordin Sparks’ “Tattoo”. It features Archuleta at home alone on a rainy night; as he looks at pictures on an Exilim S10 camera, he reflects on a relationship with a girl. In the end will he delete all of her photos or keep them for a sunnier day? Does he still have hope that she’ll come back to him?

The video, which premiered December 15, 2008 on Yahoo! Music, became available for download on iTunes on December 23, 2008. A Christmas present!

The first time we heard David Archuleta singing “A Little Too Not Over You” (ALTNOY) was November 27, 2008 on the AOL Live Sessions. He performed five songs from his new album: “Crush,” “A Little Too Not Over You,” “Touch My Hand,” “My Hands,” and “You Can.” It was a great Thanksgiving gift to his fans! David is not yet 18 years old here.

David also sang “ALTNOY” at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Hollywood, at Jingle Jam concerts around the country, and at the Sundance Film Festival on January 17, 2009 in Park City, Utah. It was a fan favorite during his many concert tours in 2009—his early spring solo, with McFly in Great Britain, the summer tour with Demi Lovato, and his “Christmas from the Heart” tour.

The official music video of “A Little Too Not Over You” has 2,188,272 views. Add to the count by viewing it on David’s official YouTube.

(C) 2008 Zomba Recording LLC

The Making of “ALTNOY” Music Video:

Gosh! He works so hard! Hope you all have a nice week and as always, take care! 😉

Listen to Song of Last Week.

David Archuleta, the Voice

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This Post has earned 4 Buzzes. Crazy! Somebody Out There, Save the Day

if David Archuleta sings the Pinkberry Song

9 May 2010



enlargeDavid Archuleta enjoys Pinkberry mango yogurtThis Mother’s Day I want a Pinkberry for dessert. Yesterday David Archuleta enjoyed his first Pinkberry: he chose mango. For after-dinner entertainment, I’d like to hear David sing the Pinkberry song!

The Pinkberry jingle heard on its Web site is sung by the ’80s musician Tigra, from L’Trimm. Can you imagine what David Archuleta would do with this little jingle? They would have to change the slogan, “Soft swirls of Chilly Bliss with a Distinct Pouty Peak” to “Heavenly Swirls of Pure Bliss ending with a very High Grace Note.” OK, after I hear David’s version, I’m sure I could write something better.

Like David, I wish all the “mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and incredible women who act as a mom” a very Happy Mother’s Day!

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DA David Archuleta Weekly Buzz

8 May 2010



DA week that was in the life of David Archuleta

Media   David’s World   Fandom

Follow links above to the relevant sections below.

Keeping up with the über-talented, awe-inspiring, world-travelling David Archuleta can be a full-time job. Even the most (D)avid fans among us don’t always have time to follow David. Here are some of last week’s top stories about the awesome David Archuleta.

Media Headlines

News, Reviews, and Interviews

Brian Mansfield to give away two copies of Chords of Strength!
by Brian Mansfield
7 May 2010

Idol Chatter Twitter logoNashville’s Brian Mansfield takes a break from helping his community recover from the historic flood to make an announcement about David Archuleta’s new book, Chords of Strength. Mr. Mansfield says, “The publisher of David Archuleta’s Chords of Strength memoir, which comes out in a few weeks, sent me a couple of autographed advance copies to give away. If you’d like to be interested in being considered for one of those copies, say so in the comments section.”

SOURCE: Only two copies, so hurry up and comment at USA Today’s Idol Chatter

David’s World

Blogs, Tweets, Appearances

Blogs and Vlogs

4 May 2010

enlargescreen cap of David Archuleta tweet about Nashville floodingNashville endured a rare and historic flood last week. Conservative damage estimates are already at $1.5 billion. David Archuleta was quick to respond with a plea for help. He sent out an “appeal tweet” urging people to contribute $10 to the Red Cross. Nashville is a city dear to David’s heart. He has worked with many Music City songwriters for his upcoming album, and they consider David to be an ‘honorary Nashvillian’. (See Joy Williams twitter.) You can also donate at the American Red Cross, volunteer to help, and / or give blood. Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Nashville and all the many Southern towns adversely affected by flood.

1 May 2010

David’s vlog entitled “May Day” from a dark and mysterious place! He talks about May Day and shares his excitement about his upcoming album.

23 April 2010

Have you read David Archuleta’s latest web log? The day after his BritWeek performance, he posted a blog.

music blog graphic for David Archuleta's blogs“I am checking in from LA today, and I’ve had some good writing sessions this week already. I worked with Guy Chambers, who wrote Angels with Robbie Williams, and Erika Nuri from The Writing Camp. I also had writing sessions last week with Sam Hollander and Sluggo, who my friend Travis from We The Kings actually told me about because he has worked a lot with them. I also worked with a bunch of other really great writers, who you’ve probably seen me talk about on Twitter. But I actually have another writing session today with the Nexus lol. And I’ll let you guys know how that goes too!…”

Join the Official David Archuleta Website and sign up to receive newsletter updates of his appearances, music, photos, blogs, and more.

Appearances – Recent & Future

  • Working on next album in Los Angeles recording studio
  • No further publicly-announced appearances, except for Book Signing Events in June (See next item.)

Chords of Strength Book Signing Tour

enlargeDavid Archuleta's first copy of his book, Chords of Strength, 30 April 2010On 15 April David Archuleta was at the Long Island, NY, printers when his book cover came off the press. Fifteen days later on 30 April he has the first copy of Chords of Strength in his hands! He shared this photo on Twitpix. Isn’t it exciting!? It’s a beautiful book. Chords of Strength will be available online and in bookstores on 1 June 2010. You can pre-order your copy for $15.61 today on Amazon.com.

enlargeChords of Strength by David Archuleta, book coverBook tour dates
David will perform one song!

  1 June – Bookends, Ridgewood, NJ
  2 June – Borders, Manhattan, NY
  3 June – Barnes & Noble, Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove, NY
  5 June – Barnes & Noble, Mall of America, Bloomington, MN
  7 June – Deseret Books, Salt Lake City, UT
  8 June – Deseret Books, Orem, UT
17 June – Deseret Books, Rexburg, ID

DavidArchie on Twitter

Monday, 3 May

Tuesday, 4 May

Wednesday, 5 May

Thursday, 6 May

Friday, 7 May

Saturday, 8 May

Follow David Archuleta on Twitter. He now has nearly 368,000 followers, but who’s counting? —I am!!!


Blogs, Stories, Charities


David Archuleta fan Sarah shares David’s vlogs
Snarky Archies
2 May 2010

enlargeComposite of 6 David Archuleta vlog screen capturesSarah had the brilliant idea to upload her mp4s of each one of David’s vlogs to Mediafire where YOU can download them to your computer and save on your iPod. She has compiled a complete and convenience list of David’s vlogs, so you can easily download the one or ones—grab ’em all— you want! Thanks, Sarah!

David Archuleta’s vlogs available for download in mp4 format

Learn to play David Archuleta’s “Crush” on guitar
Script Stan
7 May 2010

SOURCE: Script Stan

Did you miss last week’s Weekly Wrap? If you’ve fallen far behind, you should seriously search the Archhives! It’s not too late to reclaim your status as a David Archuleta fanatic fan!

DA Weekly Buzz about David Archuleta!

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David Archuleta Photo of the Week

7 May 2010



Happy Month of May!As David Archuleta sings “Crush” in a flower shop, he seems to make the flowers dance around the maypole as his beautiful smooth voice serenades their movements. The lilies swoon and the daffodils perk up and shout “Hallelujah”! Another shout hallelujah goes to digital sales for “Crush” hitting more than 1.9 million this week. Less than 90,000 digital downloads and then it’s a double platinum single! Can we do it by the end of May!

Photo of this week is…!

David Archuleta Crush video in LA flower shop

You gotta watch him too! Notice that he chooses a lot of orange flowers. It’s a Pepsi Smash Performance taped in late 2008. See here: Crush: On Location Pepsi Smash Performance

  • Photo Credit: Jive

Did you miss last week’s Photo of the Week?

David Archuleta, a Photographer’s Dream

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This Post has earned 1 Buzz. Will you Stand by Me and Think of Me

David Archuleta’s Cinco de Mayo footwear

5 May 2010



enlargeNike Cinco de Mayo shoesFeliz Cinco de Mayo! In his video log last Saturday, David Archuleta said he would like to “keep Wednesday clear” for Cinco de Mayo. However, it turned out to be a work day for him. He is in the recording studio in Los Angeles working on songs for his new album. But…tonight maybe David will hit his favorite Mexican restaurant in style wearing these way-cool Nike shoes.

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

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