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Project Bearing Kindness’ Angel Bears

18 May 2010



Project Bearing Kindness has teamed up with Rising Star Outreach to raise money for the Rising Star schools in India. Here’s how you can help.

enlargeAngel Bear Group of 6 white bears

Six white Angel Bears have been created to give to the sweet children attending our Rising Star Schools. David’s fans helped pull together two miracles last year by raising needed funds to furnish the new secondary school and complete the sewage system. We would like to include YOU as part of the dedication ceremony on July 10th, 2010, by adding your signature to an Angel Bear to be presented to the children. Please let us include you in:

Project Bearing Kindness

  • Make a small donation of $12 and your name will be added to one of these beautiful Angel Bears.
  • In your confirmation receipt, you will receive an email address created for you to include a message of kindness and hope to the children as they begin a new school year! Your messages will be compiled into a journal for them to read and gain encouragement all year long. You will become part of their history… part of India’s history!
  • All donors’ names will be placed on a certificate to be given to David.
  • To thank you for your participation, you will also receive an exclusive “David Inspires Us” bumper sticker.

enlargeDavid inspires us bumper stickerTo thank you for your support, you will receive this complimentary “David Inspires Us” bumper sticker. Project Bearing Kindness will be a great celebration for everyone involved! Your support will furnish both the library and the new physics lab. The children at Rising Star Outreach have come a long way. After several successful years of preparation, we will soon be welcoming our first students at the new Secondary School which will prepare them for higher education and for their profession as adults. Here, we will find our future teachers, lawyers, scientists and doctors. The new Physics lab will be complete with computers, equipment for experiments, data collection, and lab coats!

RSO Garland LogoYou can save the day and make it happen by donating to Rising Star Outreach’s Project Bearing Kindness today!

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David Archuleta Song of the Week

17 May 2010



SongsThis is a very busy time of year for many of us. In the months ahead there will be school proms, graduations, and weddings. It seems as though lately all I have done is run around all over the place! I’ve been buying gifts and cards, picking up flowers, making hors d’oeuvres. When the errands are done, I’ll have to look for something nice to wear to the next celebration I have been invited to. Phew! It’s always a race against time. I am not complaining, mind you. I love celebrating these occasions with family and friends. But as the days are getting longer, my life is so much more hectic. I just keep on running!

In the car getting ready to run many errands, I was listening to one of my David Archuleta CDs when one particular song came on. I had to laugh to myself as I listened to the words, because though I have heard the song many times before, it had special meaning to me as I was trying to keep up with the pace of my busy day. With that in mind, I would like to share it with all of you.

The Song of the Week is…


Written by K. Risto, W. Nugent, Dapo Torimiro, James Fauntleroy and S. Russell, “Running” was produced and recorded for Jive Records by Dirty Swift and Bruce Wayne for MIDI Mafia. It is a pop song about a guy rushing to catch the train, missing the train, then running to meet his girl, knowing she is running to meet him too. The song has a frantic, jazzy beat with a catchy hook.

The song “Running” from David Archuleta’s self-titled debut album:

Lyrics to “Running”

Words keep fallin’ out of my pocket
Running late missed the train
Everything is dropping
Holding on, to my heart, in a rush I
Almost forgot it
I must admit it, I’m tired
But I’m coming to you
Don’t know how far I’ve got
But I don’t care, I’m not gonna

Stop running
‘Cause without you
I’ve got nothing
I know you’re somewhere running straight to me
Don’t stop running
Don’t stop
Keep on running
Don’t stop
Keep on running

Legs keep giving out
Breaking down, I’m falling
Head keeps telling me this can’t be worth all of this
Holding on to my heart, feel the rush
I’m ready to run forever
I’m holding it together cause I’m coming to you
I don’t know how far I’ve got but I don’t care
I’m not gonna

Stop running
‘Cause without you
I’ve got nothing (without you, I’ve got nothing)
I know you’re somewhere running straight to me
Don’t stop running
Don’t stop

I got my good shoes
I got my wind and girl I’m focused
And I’m about to navigate straight to you
And nothing’s gonna stop me, girl
To keep me from coming
‘Cause I got to have every part of you forever

I’m running and running
Keep running, running
Keep running
Keep running

Stop running
‘Cause without you
I’ve got nothing (I’ve got nothing)
I know you’re somewhere running (I know, I know) straight to me
Don’t stop running (Don’t stop running) Ohhh
Don’t stop running (yeaaah)

‘Cause without you
I’ve got nothing (I’ve got nothing)
I know you’re somewhere running (yeaah) somewhere out there running straight to me
Don’t stop running
Cause I’m running, cause I’m running
Don’t stop running

Have a nice week everyone, I must be off to run that next errand! 😉

Take care,

Listen to Song of Last Week.

David Archuleta, the Voice

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DA David Archuleta Weekly Buzz

15 May 2010



DA week that was in the life of David Archuleta

Media   David’s World   Fandom

Follow links above to the relevant sections below.

Keeping up with the über-talented, awe-inspiring, world-travelling David Archuleta can be a full-time job. Even the most (D)avid fans among us don’t always have time to follow David. Here are some of last week’s top stories about the awesome David Archuleta.

Media Headlines

News, Reviews, and Interviews

Billboard Poll: Best American Idol Ever!
by Billboard.com
12 May 2010

Recently, Billboard.com listed the Top 24 American Idols of All-Time based on album and single sales and radio play. David Archuleta came in at number 8. Now Billboard has a poll to select the Best American Idol Ever. You can vote (for David Archuleta) as often as you like until May 19.

First, vote for your favorite male (David Archuleta) and female American Idol contestants.

Vote for Best Male Ever (David Archuleta) and Vote for Best Female Ever.

Then return to Billboard.com on May 19 to vote for the Best American Idol Ever (David Archuleta). It will be a runoff between the Best Male (David Archuleta) and Best Female.

David Archuleta Speaks
by David Burger, Salt Lake City Tribune
14 May 2010

Mr. Burger talked briefly with David Archuleta about his book, Chords of Strength. He asked him why someone who is 19 wrote a memoir. David replied, “People do memoirs later in life, but I’ve had experiences. I wasn’t born yesterday.”

David said he spent the most time on the spiritual parts of the book, and said writing and distributing his book is like his mission. “It’s very much like a missionary experience for me,” he said.

Source: Salt Lake City Tribune

Simon Fuller Marks 160 Million Milestone for iTunes
by Jill Serjeant
10 May 2010

British TV Producer Simon FullerAmerican Idol creator Simon Fuller on Monday marked a digital music milestone, and said he was looking to the Internet and other digital platforms for the next big thing in global entertainment…Fred Bronson, author of The Billboard Book of Number One Hits, called Fuller’s 160 million iTunes tally “historic” in a decade which has seen album sales slump while cheaper digital sales soar.

Source: Read the full article

More info on Wired.com, such as this little gem:

“…These strategies have made [Simon] Fuller a very wealthy man, and have given Apple a strong, steady income stream as well. Assuming that all of these songs were purchased individually for 99 cents apiece, and given the standard iTunes music revenue split (35/65 percent), Apple has earned at least $56 million from the sale of Fuller’s digital music to date, while his 19 Entertainment company has taken in nearly $88 million – a number sure to turn other music executives’ stomachs.”

David’s World

Blogs, Tweets, Appearances

Blogs and Vlogs

11 May 2010

Due to technical difficulties, David Archuleta posted a “Happy Late Mother’s Day” vlog.

23 April 2010

music blog graphic for David Archuleta's blogs“I am checking in from LA today, and I’ve had some good writing sessions this week already. I worked with Guy Chambers, who wrote Angels with Robbie Williams, and Erika Nuri from The Writing Camp. I also had writing sessions last week with Sam Hollander and Sluggo, who my friend Travis from We The Kings actually told me about because he has worked a lot with them. I also worked with a bunch of other really great writers, who you’ve probably seen me talk about on Twitter. But I actually have another writing session today with the Nexus lol. And I’ll let you guys know how that goes too!…”
posted April 23, 2010

Join the Official David Archuleta Website and sign up to receive newsletter updates of his appearances, music, photos, blogs, and more.

Appearances – Recent & Future

  • 13 May 2010: David met with 19 Entertainment, Los Angeles
  • Continuing to work on next album in Los Angeles recording studios
  • 2 June 2010: AOL TV’s Something Pitchy
  • No further publicly-announced appearances, except for Book Signing Events in June (See next item.)

Chords of Strength Book Signing Tour

enlargeDavid Archuleta's first copy of his book, Chords of Strength, 30 April 2010On 15 April David Archuleta was at the Long Island, NY, printers when his book cover came off the press. Fifteen days later on 30 April he has the first copy of Chords of Strength in his hands! He shared this photo on Twitpix. Isn’t it exciting!? It’s a beautiful book. Chords of Strength will be available online and in bookstores on 1 June 2010. You can pre-order your copy for $15.61 today on Amazon.com.

enlargeChords of Strength by David Archuleta, book cover

Book tour dates:
  1 June – Bookends, Ridgewood, NJ
  2 June – Borders, Manhattan, NY
  3 June – Barnes & Noble, Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove, NY
  5 June – Barnes & Noble, Mall of America, Bloomington, MN
  7 June – Deseret Books, Salt Lake City, UT
  8 June – Deseret Books, Orem, UT
17 June – Deseret Books, Rexburg, ID (Performance too!?)

DavidArchie on Twitter

Monday, 10 May

Tuesday, 11 May

Wednesday, 12 May

Thursday, 13 May

Friday, 14 May

Saturday, 15 May

David Archuleta and another Dawg

enlargeDavid Archuleta's singing companion, Sweet Georgy BrownIt was late Friday night. Very late. During a “pause” in the recording studio, David Archuleta, AKA singing sensation “dawg,” gave his headphones to this little sweetie named “Georgy.” Oh Sweet Georgy Brown! Maybe she’ll go on tour with him.

Follow David Archuleta on Twitter. He is fast approaching 372,000 followers, but who’s counting? —I am!!! During the past five weeks, David has averaged 3,300 new followers each week.


Blogs, Stories, Charities


The Buzz: David Archuleta’s meeting with 19 Entertainment
13 May 2010

Fans of David Archuleta were all a-tweeter over his tweet that he had a meeting with 19 Entertainment, American Idol‘s talent management company. David wrote, “I always love seeing everyone at 19 Entertainment haha.” Gina Orr, the company’s vice president of publicity, tweeted to David that “it was good to see you today too!” So between tweets, what was the subject on the table, inquiring minds want to know!?

I think I know. David Archuleta and 19 Entertainment were negotiating a duet contract between David and Sweet Georgy Brown for the summer tour. The bargainkening went on for hours until the neighbors in the office next door complained.

David Archuleta is managed by Azoff whose long roster of recording artists includes Christina Aguilera, The Eagles, Neil Diamond and Morrisey. Azoff’s Jared Paul, the man behind fellow pop balladeers Nick Lachey and New Kids on the Block, is David’s A&R guy. Most industry insiders believe it is a good idea to have a separation between management and recording.

Did you miss last week’s Weekly Wrap? If you’ve fallen far behind, you should seriously search the Archhives! It’s not too late to reclaim your status as a David Archuleta fanatic fan!

DA Weekly Buzz about David Archuleta!

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This Post has earned 1 Buzz. Will you Stand by Me and Think of Me

David Archuleta Photo of the Week

14 May 2010



The HunkerDown is born! Two years ago, on May 13, 2008, David Archuleta was in the Top 3 on American Idol. Two songs were chosen for him, one by the producer and another by one of the judges. After complaining that David sang a lot of ballads, they chose two ballads: “Longer” by Dan Fogelberg and “And So It Goes” by Billy Joel. David himself chose a very different tune: “With You” by Chris Brown, and showed us, as MasterClass Lady wrote, “a glimpse of who [he] will be in five years from now”. It was during his soulful rendition of “And So It Goes” that David gave us a little glimpse of his future stage persona: the HunkerDown.

Photo of this week is…!

enlargeDavid Archuleta sings "And So It Goes" on American Idol, May 13, 2008

David Archuleta opens with a beautiful and sweet a cappella, displaying his impeccable musical ear. Slowly he builds the story to its ultimate conclusion. Now watch his performance of “And So It Goes” on American Idol.

Two years later David Archuleta learns that a six year old not only knows the lyrics to his songs, but has the hunkerdown down! It was halftime at the Real soccer game in Salt Lake City, and Jonah Gomez, from the Make a Wish Foundation, is on the field with David. You gotta love David’s reaction!

  • Photo Credit: Fox, American Idol

Did you miss last week’s Photo of the Week?

David Archuleta, a Photographer’s Dream

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DA Music Beat: Name that Tune!

13 May 2010



This is Music Beat. Exploring the music world into which David Archuleta is immersed. Featuring Music Biz, Buzz Board, the Way-Back Machine, and more. Enjoy!

Buzz Board

“Crazy” Lyrics

Processing, open source programming language for images, animation, and interactionsDavid Archuleta sings “Crazy” by Gnarls Barkley like crazy, man! What if you could display the lyrics while you listen to him sing? TypeStar, a Processing sketch created by Scott Garner, is like a karaoke machine that renders lyrics in real time according to a number of preset visualization schemes. Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. Synchronizing video, music and lyrics is a cool way to hear and see music digitally. The kinetic animation adds an exciting visual element to music.

In this video example, Mr. Garner displays the lyrics of “Crazy.” Play time is 3:18 minutes.

TypeStar from Scott Garner on Vimeo.

Read more about Processing

Name that Tune

enlargeDavid Archuleta singing National Anthem, May 9, 2008, Salt Lake CityYou heard a song on the car radio and couldn’t stop to write it down. Now the tune is stuck in your head, but you don’t remember the title or the singer. What to do? How can you find lost lyrics? Well, if you know a little music, or can play some of the notes by ear, you can “let your fingers do the walking” and find that tune. Here are a few online tools to help you “name that tune”!

Musipedia: A Melody Search Engine: You can play a snippet on a piano keyboard. Choose a Flash or JavaScript keyboard. You can even whistle the tune in a microphone!

Dodososo might help. It catalogs the beginnings, choruses, hooks, themes and harmonies of hundreds of songs. You can search for a tune by typing the first four notes in the key of C.

Midomi: Using a microphone, hum or sing for about 10 seconds and Midomi will display search results.

Way-back Machine

Pure Wonder

Stevland Hardaway Judkins, born on May 13, 1950, is an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and record producer. His mother later changed his name to Stevland Hardaway Morris, which remains his legal name. Although blind from birth, he had learned to play many musical instruments by an early age. He signed with Motown’s Tamla Records at the age of eleven. Motown producer Clarence Paul gave Morris his trademark name—”Little Stevie Wonder”—after stating, “we can’t keep calling him the eighth wonder of the world.”

enlargeStevie WonderStevie Wonder has recorded more than thirty U.S. top ten hits and won twenty-two Grammy Awards, the most ever won by a male solo artist. On his 1970 album Signed, Sealed, and Delivered, Wonder covered The Beatles’ song, “We Can Work It Out.” Released as a single in 1971, it reached #13 on the Billboard Hot 100 and earned Wonder his second Grammy Award nomination in 1972, for Best Male R&B Vocal Performance.

Here is Stevie Wonder performing “We Can Work It Out” at the 32nd Grammy Awards February 22, 1990.

David Archuleta has said that Stevie Wonder is one of his greatest musical influences. On March 11, 2008 David sang The Beatles’ tune, “We Can Work It Out,” on American Idol. He was criticized not only for flubbing the lyrics, but for using Stevie Wonder’s version of the song.

Part of the problem was that David used Stevie Wonder’s ummmerrmmmmsomething instead of the Beatles’. And say what you will about Archadorable, but a teenager from Utah should not be grabbing arrangements from Stevie Wonblahblah. Ever.

SOURCE: MTV’s Jim Cantiello

Happy Birthday, Stevie Wonder!

And the Music Beat goes on…but you may have missed MB last week.

Music Beat Buzz

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This Post has earned 2 Buzzes. Crazy! Somebody Out There, Save the Day