David Archuleta & Brad Paisley perform at Stadium of Fire
Performing yesterday for a crowd of about 50,000 at America’s Freedom Festival in Provo, Utah, David Archuleta almost out-sang himself on “The Star Spangled Banner”. The song started on the big video screen showing a 2003 performance of the 12-year-old David, with the 20-year-old David picking it up at “What so proudly we hailed….” What an excellent way to start the National Anthem, especially for David’s home state crowd, many of whom have followed his career since his childhood.

Later David sang a beautiful medley of two favorite patriotic songs: “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” and “America the Beautiful”. The minor keynotes and creative phrasing are simply gorgeous. David’s voice is amazing and he was in the best form yesterday. I am kinda envious of all the Asian fans who will soon get to see and hear David in person!
“My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” / “America the Beautiful”

Then David launched into a performance of his own songs before introducing Brad Paisley.
“The Other Side of Down”
“Stompin’ the Roses”
“A Little Too Not Over You”
Tags: Brad Paisley · July 4 · Stadium of Fire
Filed in: music|news|performances|voice