Reading music David Archuleta is now a published author. Listening to music, especially to the voice of this awe-inspiring singer, is a joy. Now we can read in his own words how David became a great singer. As its subtitle clearly states, David’s new memoir, Chords of Strength, is about “soul, song, and the power of perseverance”—all subjects this young man knows from personal experience.
Photo of this week is…!
David Archuleta at his first ever book signing at Bookends in Ridgewood, New Jersey, on 1 June 2010
Look at his happy face! Congratulations to David on his achievement! And thank you, David, for this lovely gift to all who appreciate music.
We read that more than 1500 books were sold the first day. Bookends says they have a few signed copies left. You can order by phone at 201-445-0726.
- Photo Source: David-Daily Photo Gallery
Did you miss last week’s Photo of the Week?
David Archuleta, a Photographer’s Dream
Tags: Bookends · Chords of Strength
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