DA week that was in the life of David Archuleta
Follow links above to the relevant sections below.
Keeping up with the über-talented, awe-inspiring, world-travelling David Archuleta can be a full-time job. Even the most (D)avid fans among us don’t always have time to follow David. Here are some of last week’s top stories about the awesome David Archuleta.
News, Reviews, and Interviews
David Archuleta Voted Billboard’s Best American Idol Ever
by Tina Molly Lang
27 May 2010
David Archuleta has been named Billboard’s Best American Idol Ever, beating Carrie Underwood 92 to 8 percent.
Archuleta considers this a particular honor because Billboard is “not just some teen website.” Archuleta checks Billboard regularly and reads the magazine. And given Underwood’s success, he was surprised and flattered to have received more votes….
Read more: Associated Content
The ultimate ‘American Idol’ power ranking: 120 contestants on, Kelly Clarkson still reigns supreme
LA Times Idol Tracker
May 31, 2010
Idol Tracker ranks David Archuleta at number 15 out of 120 American Idol contestants. I couldn’t disagree more, especially when I see those chosen in the top ten, but it’s all subjective, isn’t it?
See the complete list LA Idol Tracker Ranking
David Archuleta may be young, but his memoir still inspires.
by Brandon Burt
31 May 2010
Obviously, the June 1 release of David Archuleta’s Chords of Strength will elicit howls of amusement from literary naysayers. And, admittedly, the very idea that a young man not yet in his 20s—whose claim to fame is having been a runner-up on Fox’s American Idol two years ago—could dare publish a memoir comes as something as a shock…But, I say, screw those literary naysayers. The bigger shock for them will be that, despite his youth, Archuleta (with the help of journalist/ethnomusicologist Monica Haim) managed to come up with a personal account that is engaging, readable and even inspiring….
Read the rest.
David Archuleta’s Chords of Strength memoir out this week
by Brian Mansfield
2 June 2010
David Archuleta looks at the world with an appreciative sense of wonder that’s both charming and appealing. That trait comes through loud and clear in the 19-year-old’s book, Chords of Strength: A Memoir of Soul, Song, and the Power of Perseverance, out this week.
Most celebrity memoirs, especially ones from young stars, read like superficial, thrown-together works. But Chords of Strength is something different: It genuinely captures David’s voice, in both its content and its cadence. Reading the book is like listening to him speak….
Read more: Idol Chatter’s Brian Mansfield
SomethingPitchy Broadcast Exclusive: Interview With ‘Idol’ Alum David Archuleta
by Andrew Scott, AOL
2 June 2010
Today, season 7 runner-up David Archuleta paid a special, jam-packed visit to the SomethingPitchy studio to promote his new memoir, ‘Chords of Strength.’
Among the many topics discussed in this 43-minute-plus interview: The inspiration behind writing a book, details on his upcoming CD, his thoughts on ‘American Idol’ season 9 and a look back at some of his most memorable tweets….
Watch the 43 minute video interview: Something Pitchy AOL Broadcast.
Fox TV Appearances
Fox Television
2 June 2010
Fox 5, Atlanta: Interview (3:36)
Fox 9, Minneapolis: Interview (4:11)
Fox 13, Salt Lake City: Interview (4:32)
American Idol News
2 June 2010
Mall of America Interview with David
MOA, Minneapolis
OfficialMOA on YouTube
5 June 2010
The subtitle could be “The Office Chair” interview! Watch David at the office, 3:24!
David sings “I’ll Be” at the Mall of America.
MOA Singing and Signing, 4:28
David’s World
Blogs, Tweets, Appearances
Blogs and Vlogs
The book is out!
Video blog from David’s official YouTube
Location: New York City; Length: 4:37 minutes
2 June 2010
Wherein David explains the cryptic “Jazzy was here” comment on Twitter this week. I thought either Jazzy was in NYC with him or David was reading graffiti in Central Park. haha!
At 2:21 he sings a little Jackson 5, “I’ll be there.”

YOU Create David Archuleta’s New Deluxe Edition Package!
2 June 2010
DavidArchuleta.com is asking fans to help select items for his next album’s fan package. “David is recording a brand new album as we speak. There is no set release date yet, BUT David is already cooking up ideas to create a special fan package! What better place to find ideas for a fan package than from his fans! So he wants to hear what YOU, the fans, want in this potential special fan package to be available only here on DavidArchuleta.com….”
Choose your deluxe edition item: David Archuleta Deluxe Edition Package
DA Official Blog
21 May 2010
Here’s an excerpt of David’s last blog; you can read the rest on his official website and send a comment.
“Hey everyone! I thought I’d leave a note to let you guys know about what’s been up with me lately. This last weekend was a really great one! I got to spend time with some friends, which included some who drove down from Utah, and we all went to the Santa Monica Pier and rode the ferris wheel haha. We also walked around 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica and had a great time walking around and seeing the street performers. It’s really neat watching a bunch of those street performers….”
Join the Official David Archuleta Website and sign up to receive newsletter updates of his appearances, music, photos, blogs, and more.
Appearances – Recent & Future
- 1 June 2010: Good Day New York, Fox TV, David appears on Good Day New York (notice “swarm of bees” story — haha!)
- 2 June 2010: AOL TV’s Something Pitchy
- 7 June 2010: “Good Things Utah,” ABC4 Salt Lake City, 10:00 am MT
- 9 June 2010: will sing the National Anthem at the Washington Nationals game, Washinton D.C
- Book Signing Events in June (see item below.)
Fox TV
Live TV, New York City
3 June 2010
During the sound check on Fox & Friends, David sang a snippet of Paul McCartney’s “Maybe I’m Amazed,” and it was amazing! At first, I didn’t realize I was hearing David LIVE! He truly can sing anything!

Book tour dates
Book tour dates:
✓ 1 June – Bookends, Ridgewood, NJ
✓ 2 June – Borders, Manhattan, NY
✓ 3 June – Barnes & Noble, Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove, NY
✓ 5 June – Barnes & Noble, Mall of America, Bloomington, MN
7 June – Deseret Books, Salt Lake City, UT
8 June – Deseret Books, Orem, UT
17 June – Deseret Books, Rexburg, ID
DavidArchie on Twitter
Monday, 31 May
Tuesday, 1 June
Wednesday, 2 June
Thursday, 3 June
Friday, 4 June
Saturday, 5 June
Follow David Archuleta on Twitter. He has more than 385,000 followers, but who’s counting? —I am!!! During the past eight weeks, David has averaged 3,750 new followers each week.
Blogs, Stories, Charities
Project Bearing Kindness

Project Bearing Kindness has teamed up with Rising Star Outreach to raise money for the Rising Star schools in India. With a $12 donation, your name will be added to a beautiful Angel Bear which will be given to a deserving child at the dedication on 10 July of the new Rising Star school. And you’ll receive a complimentary “David Inspires Us” bumper sticker.
Read more about how you can help the children of India.
Mormon Photobombs Fellow Mormon
5 June 2010

You know how some people think it’s funny to drop in a photo unexpectedly, to hop in a picture right before it is taken, usually in the back or on the side? It’s called ‘photobombing’ and even good Mormons do it! This dude ‘photobombed’ David Archuleta…. He writes, “So I was spending my Friday night the way any good Mormon would – hanging out at the LDS temple in Oakdale, MN. As always, all the teenagers were hanging out at the baptismal font when all of a sudden the room became electrified….”
You gotta read the rest: SingleSpeed
Did you miss last week’s Weekly Wrap? If you’ve fallen far behind, you should seriously search the Archhives! It’s not too late to reclaim your status as a David Archuleta fanatic fan!
DA Weekly Buzz about David Archuleta!