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DA David Archuleta CoS Quiz

12 June 2010



DA Quiz logoSchool may soon be out for the summer, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that all the important exams have been taken. Fans of David Archuleta are busy ‘studying,’ ‘cramming,’ ‘consuming,’ ‘poring over’ the text of his new memoir, Chords of Strength. The book has debuted at number 15 on the New York Times’ Best Sellers list for hardbound nonfiction. Quite an accomplishment, especially for an introspective 19 year old! David has done a spectacular job writing about his strong faith and family, recounting his American Idol experience, and discussing his deep-rooted love of music. The least we fans can do is read his book as if we are going to be tested on it!

Now there’s the rub—haha! DA Buzzing really does have a test. See how well you remember what you read of CoS.

First quiz: ten random questions pertaining to the first 50 pages of the book

Pre-release quiz: how much we fans already knew about CoS before publication!

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DA David Archuleta Weekly Wrap

12 June 2010



DA week that was in the life of David Archuleta

Media   David’s World   Fandom

Follow links above to the relevant sections below.

Keeping up with the über-talented, awe-inspiring, world-travelling David Archuleta can be a full-time job. Even the most (D)avid fans among us don’t always have time to follow David. Here are some of last week’s top stories about the awesome David Archuleta.

Media Headlines

News, Reviews, and Interviews

David Archuleta talks about Chords of Strength on ABC-TV Utah
by Good Things Utah
7 June 2010

David Archuleta with Jonah from Make a Wish, 7 June 2010, SLC In this televised interview, David advises, “Don’t tear up your pictures when you’re little. You’ll regret it later.” Jonah Gomez, the 6-year-old from the Make a Wish Foundation, and his mom were in the ABC-TV studio to see David who signed their copy of his book. Click photo to zoom.

Length: 7:22

Read more: ABC4-TV, Good Things Utah

Justin Bieber is no flash in the pan
by Nestor Torre
Philippine Daily Inquirer
11 June 2010

This article is about Justin Bieber’s sudden rise to fame, but the writer says, “First illumination: Despite his being the show biz flavor of the month, Justin can sing. His voice isn’t amazing, but it’s more than serviceable—albeit less striking than David Archuleta’s in tone and projection.”

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer, Showbiz and Style

Chords of Strength, a New York Times Best Seller!
from New York Times
11 June 2010

Yay! David’s book debuts at number 15 on the New York Times’ Best Sellers list for hardcover nonfiction!

David’s World

Blogs, Tweets, Appearances

Blogs and Vlogs

YOU Create David Archuleta’s New Deluxe Edition Package!
2 June 2010

…David is recording a brand new album as we speak. There is no set release date yet, BUT David is already cooking up ideas to create a special fan package! What better place to find ideas for a fan package than from his fans! So he wants to hear what YOU, the fans, want in this potential special fan package to be available only here on DavidArchuleta.com….

Choose your deluxe edition item: David Archuleta Deluxe Edition Package

DA Official Blog
12 June 2010

David posted a blog on Facebook. Here’s an excerpt; you can read the rest on his Facebook website and send a comment.

music blog graphic for David Archuleta's blogs“Hey all! Just thought I’d give an update with what’s been going on lately. Since the book is now out, I’ve been doing book signings! The ones in New York and New Jersey were awesome! I also got to do one in Minnesota at the Mall of America and ride some of the indoor rides they have in the mall. Pretty fun stuff! I then got to go back home for a couple of Utah book signings. The first one was in Salt Lake City, and the second one was in Orem. They were both great! It was fun being surprised by people I knew coming by and seeing them in line haha. It’s been so neat getting to see everyone after such a long time being under a rock recording and writing. Thanks so much to all of you who have been coming out to the signings!….”

Join the Official David Archuleta Website and sign up to receive newsletter updates of his appearances, music, photos, blogs, and more.

Appearances – Recent & Future

David Archuleta sings at the White House!
The East Room, White House, Washington D.C.
9 June 2010

President Obama with CMN Champions, David Archuleta, and Miss America, 9 June 2010“Champion” Children from the Children’s Miracle Network were at the White House on 9 June. Pictured with President Barack Obama in the East Room of the White House are David Archuleta and Miss America Caressa Cameron—she’s the one wearing a crown and standing next to David, far left—with the children. Question: where is David’s crown??!! Haha!

David sang “Lean on Me” for the President and the “Champions” from CMN. We don’t have a video yet, but just the day before he performed it a cappella at a book-signing event in Orem, Utah. The most awesome version yet: Lean on Me

Photo credit: Children’s Miracle Network on Facebook

David also appeared on KSTU Fox 13, Utah, with one of the children from CMN: Thanks to jr4djma for this 3:33 video.

David Archuleta sings National Anthem like nobody’s business!
Nationals vs. Pirates baseball game, Washington, D.C.
9 June 2010

Chords of Strength Book Signing Tour

enlargeDavid Archuleta's first copy of his book, Chords of Strength, 30 April 2010Penguin Books has posted a YouTube video (see below) of David Archuleta walking us through the 4-color printing process. What fun to see David at the computer, discussing magenta, cyan, vermillion, and black,…! Chords of Strength debuted at number 15 on the New York Times’ Best Sellers list for hardbound nonfiction. You can purchase your copy for $11.69 today on Amazon.com and at Barnes and Noble.

David Archuleta at the printing of his new book Chords of Strength.

Source: PenguinGroupUSA

enlargeChords of Strength by David Archuleta, book coverBook tour dates
David will perform one song!

Book tour dates:
  1 June – Bookends, Ridgewood, NJ
  2 June – Borders, Manhattan, NY
  3 June – Barnes & Noble, Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove, NY
  5 June – Barnes & Noble, Mall of America, Bloomington, MN
  7 June – Deseret Books, Salt Lake City, UT
  8 June – Deseret Books, Orem, UT
17 June – Deseret Books, Rexburg, ID

DavidArchie on Twitter

Monday, 7 June

Tuesday, 8 June

Wednesday, 9 June

Thursday, 10 June

Friday, 11 June

Saturday, 12 June

Follow David Archuleta on Twitter. He has more than 389,000 followers, but who’s counting? —I am!!! During the past nine weeks, David has averaged 3,777 new followers each week.


Blogs, Stories, Charities


Mini Interview with David
by ArchiesAngel (Shayla), AFS’s Shayla Interview
7 June 2010

Questionnaire Interview with David Archuleta, Shayla on AFS, June 2010 During his busy book-signing week, David Archuleta took the time to respond to Shayla’s request for a ‘mini interview’ on paper. He filled out her questionnaire and signed several articles—including a pair of earrings!—for her and her friends in the Phillipines. He says his cellphone is always on vibrate. It would have to be because he carries it everywhere, even on stage and at the White House! Can’t have it ringing in the middle of the President’s talk, can we?

The Peace David
tinabeebop and jonerzz
8 June 2010

Cobbled together from jonerzz’s heavenly hunk’o’video taken at Mall of America, Minneapolis on June 6, 2010 when David was signing his memoir “Chords of Strength” at Barnes & Noble. He IS a hunk’o’Heaven, isn’t he? Here is jonerzz’s original video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE4WMu

Project Bearing Kindness
from Rising Star Outreach
12 June 2010

enlargeAngel Bear Group of 6 white bearsProject Bearing Kindness has teamed up with Rising Star Outreach to raise money for the Rising Star schools in India. With a $12 donation, your name will be added to a beautiful Angel Bear which will be given to a deserving child at the dedication on 10 July of the new Rising Star school. And you’ll receive a complimentary “David Inspires Us” bumper sticker.

The deadline is June 20th! Learn how you can help the children of India.

Did you miss last week’s Weekly Wrap? If you’ve fallen far behind, you should seriously search the Archhives! It’s not too late to reclaim your status as a David Archuleta fanatic fan!

DA Weekly Buzz about David Archuleta!

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Project Bearing Kindness Deadline

12 June 2010



The DONATION DEADLINE of June 20th is fast approaching! Let’s fill up these adorable bears with signatures for the children of Rising Star Schools!

Project Bearing Kindness has teamed up with Rising Star Outreach to raise money for the Rising Star schools in India. Here’s how you can help.

enlargeAngel Bear Group of 6 white bears

Six white Angel Bears have been created to give to the sweet children attending our Rising Star Schools. David’s fans helped pull together two miracles last year by raising needed funds to furnish the new secondary school and complete the sewage system. We would like to include YOU as part of the dedication ceremony on July 10th, 2010, by adding your signature to an Angel Bear to be presented to the children. Please let us include you in:

Project Bearing Kindness

  • Make a small donation of $12 and your name will be added to one of these beautiful Angel Bears.
  • In your confirmation receipt, you will receive an email address created for you to include a message of kindness and hope to the children as they begin a new school year! Your messages will be compiled into a journal for them to read and gain encouragement all year long. You will become part of their history… part of India’s history!
  • All donors’ names will be placed on a certificate to be given to David.
  • To thank you for your participation, you will also receive an exclusive “David Inspires Us” bumper sticker.

enlargeDavid inspires us bumper stickerTo thank you for your support, you will receive this complimentary “David Inspires Us” bumper sticker. Project Bearing Kindness will be a great celebration for everyone involved! Your support will furnish both the library and the new physics lab. The children at Rising Star Outreach have come a long way. After several successful years of preparation, we will soon be welcoming our first students at the new Secondary School which will prepare them for higher education and for their profession as adults. Here, we will find our future teachers, lawyers, scientists and doctors. The new Physics lab will be complete with computers, equipment for experiments, data collection, and lab coats!

RSO Garland LogoYou can save the day and make it happen by donating to Rising Star Outreach’s Project Bearing Kindness today!

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David Archuleta Photo of the Week

11 June 2010



Fan powerThis week David Archuleta became a best-selling author. On a cross-country book-signing tour, he demonstrated his vocal cords of strength by singing a cappella. And his fans rewarded him with their own ‘power of perseverance’: standing in long lines, mustering up the courage to speak to The Voice, and making his book, Chords of Strength, A Memoir of Soul, Song, and the Power of Perseverance, fly off the bookshelves.

Photo of this week is…!

David Archuleta in Salt Lake City 7 June 2010

This week I had a difficult choice for Photo of the Week. It’s hard to beat a photo of David Archuleta with the President of the United States! However, I chose another picture which depicts David’s star-status. This cluster of fan power speaks—screams!—volumes about David’s star power. Gosh, the excitement of these young girls is contagious!

David Archuleta greets Salt Lake City fans, 7 June 2010
David Archuleta Greets FanGirls, Salt Lake City, 7 June 2010

Did you miss last week’s Photo of the Week?

David Archuleta, a Photographer’s Dream

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Just imagine. Singing in the White House. Quite an accomplishment.

9 June 2010



People were invited to perform at the White House as early as the 1790s. Few performers can say they were invited to actually sing in the White House.  At such a young age, David Archuleta joins a host of impressive names throughout history who have had that honor. Congrats David.   RK 🙂

Here are some early performers:

Hutchinson Family Singers circa 1849

Baker Family Singers circa 1849

For a more in-depth look at other performers, check out these links:




WHITE HOUSE HISTORY TIMELINES : African-Americans and the White House

Filed in: career|David Archuleta|music|news
This Post has earned 2 Buzzes. Crazy! Somebody Out There, Save the Day