Malaysian fans of David Archuleta planned, choreographed, and executed a flash mob routine as part of their elaborate promotion leading up to David’s July 26 concert at Stadium Negara, Kuala Lumpur. If I’m not mistaken, this is the first ever flash mob done in tribute to David!
As an aside, I’ve known about this for a few weeks now. I communicate regularly with fans at Archuleta Avenue Malaysia, and they started discussing the possibility of this nearly a month ago. It was a blast reading through their ideas and looking at videos of a multitude of different flash mobs, including freeze mobs, strip mobs, etc. Kudos to the creativity and resourcefulness of these awesome fans!

(Credit: ArchuletaAvenueMsia)
Tags: Concert Promotion · Malaysian Flash Mob · Something 'bout Love
Filed in: David Archuleta|music|news