DA week that was in the life of David Archuleta
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Keeping up with the über-talented, awe-inspiring, world-travelling David Archuleta can be a full-time job. Even the most (D)avid fans among us don’t always have time to follow David. Here are some of last week’s top stories about the awesome David Archuleta.
News, Reviews, and Interviews
David Archuleta Reveals ‘The Other Side Of Down’ Album Cover
by Robbie Daw, Idolator
17 August 2010
David Archuleta kicks his booted heels up on his The Other Side Of Down album cover, which was revealed today on the young crooner’s official site. “You may have seen an unofficial version of the cover around the internet, but you heard it here first folks,” says the website. “This is the OFFICIAL cover for David’s new album…” And judging by that wide smile, we’d venture to say Teen Choice Award winner Archie is anything but downhearted.
Source: Idolator
Vevo Brings Music Videos to the iPhone with Free App
by Troy Dreier, Streaming Media
18 August 2010
Music video hub Vevo has become a leading online video destination in a short time, and now it’s bringing its library of music videos to the iPhone and iPod Touch. The free Vevo app launched today (iTunes) and it lets viewers access a library of 20,000 videos from over 7,000 artists…Vevo has launched a new original series in conjunction with the app, called Ask:Reply, which features artists answering fan questions. The first installment features Ke$ha and is available exclusively through the app. Future installments will feature David Archuleta, Maroon 5, and Ciara….
Source: Streaming Media
David’s World
Blogs, Tweets, Appearances
Blogs and Vlogs
Vblog: “Finishing up the Albummm”
by David Archuleta, Official YouTube Channel
17 August 2010
Wherein the self-described “space cadet” says something ’bout love -ing the fact that he has just finished recording his new album and is departing on a cross-country radio tour. The thought of being able to start singing these songs leads him to celebrate with a personal little “golden” moment. It’s David the Jukebox singing along with R&B singer Jill Scott, karaoke-style.

More Official Album Photos!
from DavidArchuleta.com
19 August 2010
A new David album means a lot of things…new music, new videos, and new photos! Over the next few days we’ll be rolling out new David promo photos for your viewing pleasure. Here is the first one, check it out here and see it super sized on the photos page. Hope you like it, because there is definitely more where that came from! Stay tuned.
Official photos, oh my! Click on the thumbnail for a very large version! You’ll be so glad you did.
Join the Official David Archuleta Website and sign up to receive newsletter updates of his appearances, music, photos, blogs, and more.
Appearances – Recent & Future
Quick-glance Appearances Schedule:
- 21 August, Greenville, SC, WFBC Greenville “Zoo-a-palooza” Radio Show
- 22 August, Louisville, KY , WDJX Louisville Radio Show
- 27 August, Providence, RI , WPRO Providence Station Lounge
- 27 August, “Ticket to Ride” concert, Six Flags New England, Agawam, MA
- 28 August, Arthur Ashe Kids’ Day, US Open: Arthur Ashe
- 12 September, Delta Fair & Music Festival, 7:45 PM, Memphis, TN
- 24 September, WLAN FM97 Birthday Barndance, with Shontelle Layne
- 26 September, New Albany Classic Invitational Grand Prix & Family Day, New Albany, Ohio.
- 8 October, Mentors International 2010 Annual Gala, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- 10 October, Skate for the Heart, to be aired in January.
- 11 October, WDJQ (Q92) Stripped Down Concert Series
Source for some of the appearances info: ArchuletaFanScene.com
Chords of Strength, David Archuleta’s Best Selling Memoir

David has had several book-signing events in July. We’ll let you know when more dates are scheduled. If you don’t have a copy of Chords of Strength yet, buy today!
Amazon: $14.05 today
Penguin Books: Hardcover $22.95; eBook $10.99
Barnes & Noble: $16.52 online
Borders: Hardcover $22.95
DavidArchie on Twitter
Monday, 16 August
Tuesday, 17 August
Wednesday, 18 August
Thursday, 19 August
Friday, 20 August
Saturday, 21 August
Follow David Archuleta on Twitter. He has nearly 443,000 followers, but who’s counting? —I am!!! During the past seventeen weeks, David has averaged an astounding 5,176 new followers each week.
Blogs, Stories, Charities
Chords of Strength: Chapter 11, “Dreaming On”
by goldstar, Archuleta Fanscene
20 August 2010
The final chapter begins with a quotation from Albert Schweitzer: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
David defines success and happiness and how they’re related. He mentions his dream of singing at the Olympics one day. (London 2012 Olympic Committee, book him now!)
Read the entire article!
Where is Archuleta Sitting?
by @stumpiekang and @jambajim, MTV.com
20 August 2010

David Archuleta unveiled the sit-tastic artwork to his sophomore pop album, The Other Side of Down, out October 5th. (Photos by Jive Records)
You have to see all six of these posed—I didn’t say poised—comps of David’s new album cover photo. My favorite is No. 4, the 3D (get it? There are three guys!) in the M.C.Escher-style picture. Click to enlarge.
Did you miss last week’s Weekly Wrap? If you’ve fallen far behind, you should seriously search the Archhives! It’s not too late to reclaim your status as a David Archuleta fanatic fan!
DA Weekly Buzz about David Archuleta!