David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
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Happy Anniversary, DA Honeybees!

20 November 2009




Happy Anniversary, DA Honeybees!

Today’s the day! We Honeybees celebrate November 20 as our online anniversary. Here’s the anniversary cake I promised you! It’s a beehive-shaped honey cake with a honey glaze and cute marzipan bees. If it were possible, I’d give each Honeybee and Angel a slice with extra honey drizzled on top. Since it’s only a cyber-cake, please make a wish and symbolically blow out the candle. Then follow the Queen Bee to a Grand Party at a Grand Hotel in the “Land of David.”

Let’s set our imaginations free and dream of a fabulous First Year Anniversary Party. It would go something like this. Today, November 20, the Honeybees form a flight pattern and swarm over the Wasatch Front to alight in Salt Lake City for a sweet celebration. chocpianoBeehive Transportation lets us all ride in a beautiful stretch limousine to the Grand America Hotel, the only Five Diamond hotel in SLC. There we are escorted into the Grand Ballroom where a hundred hexagon tables are intermeshed, forming one giant honeycomb. At the center sits the entire David Archuleta family, including cousins, uncles, aunts, and family pets. We dine on sweet meats, candied veggies, honeyed bread, and, of course, sweet nectar. We are entranced by the euphonious entertainment from David and his siblings. After hours of singing, dancing, and buzzing, we Honeybees present David with a grand piano—a chocolate grand piano, just one of the delectable desserts on the menu at the Grand America.

All too soon, the Anniversary Party is over and DA Honeybees buzz out. We scatter to all points on the compass and begin another year of sweet buzzing for David Archuleta.

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9 responses so far ↓

  • pikepss | 1 | 20th November 2009 at 12:08 pm |

    Great idea Minna, I am ready and willing to partttty! Our own private party with David and family! Happy Anniversay Everyone!

  • 3cota | 2 | 20th November 2009 at 2:43 pm |

    This cake is amazing and boy would it be wonderful for the whole group of Honeybees to get together and present a cake like this to David. We can play it all out in our imaginations this year but in years to come…it just might happen for real. David would be the best ‘guest of honor’ ever!!!

  • bigarchiefan | 3 | 20th November 2009 at 3:04 pm |

    I love this…HAPPY ANNIVERSARY all! So proud to be a part of such a great group, buzzing for David. Wish we really could all be together today, celebrating and having some cake! LOL!! 😉

    Take care everyone,

  • topazjazz | 4 | 20th November 2009 at 3:55 pm |

    This is the best idea to keep on buzzin’ for David and we have faith that our next anniversary will be a dream come true! Wishing all you fellow honeybees a joyous 1-year anniversary!

  • Katheryn | 5 | 20th November 2009 at 11:09 pm |

    Dear Minna:

    Thank you for baking such a lovely cake and, more importantly, thank you for creating such a honey of a website! I know DA Buzzing has been a labor of love for you, but it has also been a lot of work. On behalf of all Honeybees, I ask that you please accept our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the talent, abilities, and dedication you have so selflessly shared with the hive.


  • Judith (unregistered) | 22nd November 2009 at 1:27 pm |

    Happy One Year Anniversary Minna!! You and all your Bee-utiful Honeybees have a great fan site for David. Keep on buzzing!!

  • goboywonder | 6 | 22nd November 2009 at 5:55 pm |

    Happy Anniversary!

  • Cathy | 7 | 23rd November 2009 at 5:38 am |

    Minna!! That was the most amazing party I’ve ever imagined!! Thanks for everything you do for us and David!

    Keep on Buzzin’! ♥

  • maxie2go (unregistered) | 28th November 2009 at 10:16 am |

    Palm to Heart

    “…From this day to the ending of the world,
    But we in it shall be remembered-
    We few, we happy few, we band of Honeybeess;
    For thee to-day that joins his blood with me
    Shall be my brother; be we ne’er vile,
    This day shall stir our hearts;
    And gentle people world-wide now-a-bed
    Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
    And hold their dedications cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us upon DAHoneybees Day.”

    _excerpted from St. Crispin Day Speech and slightly modified.

    I do so miss HN.C, but the greater thing is that we have the chance to go out to all corners of the internet and BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ, for the most superb singer to come along in generations.
    The DAHoneybees will always be the offshoot of HN.C to me and therefore the work force of DJA base. Honeybees flit from flower to flower collecting and depositing the basis of a new growth. They are why the trees produce fruit and flowers spring up all over. And we should consider ourselves lucky that we few, we band of brothers, work like bees to make David fruitful and desired by those looking for something new and different.
    We love whatever we do for David, even if he hasn’t a clue that we do it. we do it because we love him and respect the young man as one truly deserving of that which God has given him. He treats it with respect, humility and grace.

    DAHoneybees, may we forever flit from flower to flower spreading the news about David “The Voice” Archuleta.